
Счастливое число Слевина

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28.10.2016 17:00
Брокер укажет в отчете Считают так первый зашел при покупке первый вышел при продаже сумма покажет прибыль или убыток купленные но не проданные не считаются
28.10.2016 17:08
Минимизировать налог через ИИС 13% + при перегоне убыток оставляешь на основном прибыль на ИИС
28.10.2016 17:15
Рейтинг 100 крупнейших компаний Дальнего Востока по выручке и темпам роста показывает реальные дела.

Драйверы роста
Абсолютным лидером быстрорастущих компаний стало ООО «Эльгауголь», в три раза превысив темпы роста за год. За ним драйвером для дальнейшего развития стала геологоразведка: АО «РН-Шельф-Дальний Восток» - 298% темпов прироста - и ОАО «Дальморнефтегеофизика» - 148%. Похоже, переживая спад спроса на нефтегазовом рынке, российские корпорации готовят базу для будущего подъема. А далее расположились АО «Восточный порт» с 129,5%, ООО «Солнцевский угольный разрез» - 104,7%, «ДНС Приморье» (торговля) - 109,2% и «ДДК» (обработка алмазов) - 93,8%, ФГУП «Спецстройтехнологии» - 93%, АО «Океанрыбфлот» - 91,3%, ООО «Северное золото» - 91%.
28.10.2016 17:22
Привет гордые Мечелоносцы !
Подумалось мне, как можно минимизировать уплату налогов с прибыли по акциям.
Купил акции по 10 р за 1 шт., рыночная цена 150 р. за 1 шт. Но за то время пока акции росли делал несколько перезаходов, в итоге получилось немножко больше акций но цена 1 акции возросла до 100 р. за шт. Вопрос? с какой суммы будет взыматься налог, со 140 руб. или с 50 руб.
Принцип первую купил- первую продал. Скажем купили две шт по 10 р. потом продали 1 по 120 налог с 120-10=110 затем откупили 1 по 90 и продали обе по 150- налог с 150-10 и с 150-90.
28.10.2016 17:30
Не понял, если можно по подробней для тыпух
Минимизировать налог через ИИС 13% + при перегоне убыток оставляешь на основном прибыль на ИИС
28.10.2016 17:33
Да , а если в последнем случае продал не 2 , а 1,то налог с 150-10
28.10.2016 17:35
Не понял, если можно по подробней для тыпух
Минимизировать налог через ИИС 13% + при перегоне убыток оставляешь на основном прибыль на ИИС
Открываешь ИИС и по 1 схеме возвращиешь с 400 т.р 52 тысячи.
28.10.2016 17:43
Не понял, если можно по подробней для тыпух
Открываешь ИИС и по 1 схеме возвращиешь с 400 т.р 52 тысячи.
28.10.2016 17:44
Заводишь ИИС с суммы на нем налоговый вычет до 400т в год 13% (нельзя выводить деньги 3 года а то заберут обратно).Покупаешь на нем если в + продаешь на нем ,если в - продаешь на основном.
По окончанию 3 лет если сумма введенных средств меньше прибыли, то выбираешь налогообложение по 1 варианту,если больше по 2(налог не берется с прибыли).Т.е. ты откладываешь выплату налогов на 3 года, а налог зависит от твоей успешности.Через 3 года деньги
станут дешевле . При 2 варианте выигрыш больше если за 3 года профит > 100%
Акционер Мечела
28.10.2016 21:54
Ладно друзья.я понимаю что сегодня пятница. Но мы забыли зачем мы здесь собрались!!! Где свежие сводки с фронта? Где тех.анализ акций компании? Где доводы рассуждения жаркие дискуссии? Или биржа вас нечему не научила????
28.10.2016 22:00
Товарищи, акционеры, умные и мудрые! Отдыхайте, пятница же, и так видно неделя потрепала многих, набирайтесь сил и хороших выходных всем!
28.10.2016 22:07
Ладно друзья.я понимаю что сегодня пятница. Но мы забыли зачем мы здесь собрались!!! Где свежие сводки с фронта? Где тех.анализ акций компании? Где доводы рассуждения жаркие дискуссии? Или биржа вас нечему не научила????
Отдыхайте, все будет хорошо, но поймите одно,Мечел никому легких денег не даст заработать, ему ничего не стоит залечь в боковик на пол года и потом удвоиться на отчете после первого квартала. Запасемся терпением и будет нам везение.
28.10.2016 22:28

Фьючи кокс: окт -1$ 236$; нояб +0,5$ 242$; дек 0. 240$
Акционер Мечела
28.10.2016 22:30
Ладно друзья.я понимаю что сегодня пятница. Но мы забыли зачем мы здесь собрались!!! Где свежие сводки с фронта? Где тех.анализ акций компании? Где доводы рассуждения жаркие дискуссии? Или биржа вас нечему не научила????
Отдыхайте, все будет хорошо, но поймите одно,Мечел никому легких денег не даст заработать, ему ничего не стоит залечь в боковик на пол года и потом удвоиться на отчете после первого квартала. Запасемся терпением и будет нам везение.
Рассуждение однако правильное. Но не обоснованное! Мы не можем делится мыслями, рассуждать, может потому что мы русские?
Акционер Мечела
28.10.2016 22:31

Фьючи кокс: окт -1$ 236$; нояб +0,5$ 242$; дек 0. 240$
Ты можеш что-то сказать кроме рассылок?
28.10.2016 22:40

Фьючи кокс: окт -1$ 236$; нояб +0,5$ 242$; дек 0. 240$
Ты можеш что-то сказать кроме рассылок?
Не трожь крольчиху
28.10.2016 23:24
добрые сказки на ночь =)

Crippinling China supply shortage
sends met coal prices higher again

Singapore—Chinese import prices for premium hard coking coal
closed the trading week higher as a crippling supply shortage in the
country convinced buyers to consider seaborne alternatives.
Premium Low Vol Hard Coking Coal was assessed up $2 day on day
at $254.50/mt CFR China Friday, while prices of exports from Australia
were assessed down 50 cents day on day at $255/mt FOB Australia.
At least four spot metallurgical coal transactions were seen Friday
as market participants continued to perceive limited downside risks on
continued tight supply in China.
“It is no longer a price issue, there is no supply,” a northern Chinese
end-user said. The source who had returned from Shanxi, the center of
coal production in China, added that “you just can’t imagine how tight
the [coal supply] situation is there... everyone is snatching coals.”

Coking coal and PCI inventory levels in China were reported to be
low, sources said. One end-user said that coal supply was short, and
logistical bottlenecks were still not resolved.
Another market source added that almost all large domestic coal
procurement managers of steelmakers were on the road, making trips to
coal mining and railway sites in order to secure coal supply and logistics.
The source said that this was a sign that domestic supply was very tight.
However, one Chinese steelmaker appeared unfazed, indicating that
coal prices were close to, or perhaps had already, reached their peak.

Chinese supply tightness to continue in Q4

Furthermore, several sources said Friday that they expected the
Chinese coal market tightness to persist until the end of the year as many
mine and wash-plant operations were already running close to full capacity.

China’s strict regulation of 276 working days and the nationwide
capacity cut campaign meant that there was little scope to boost
output in the near-term, according to one South China steelmaker.
“Unless you get miners to re-open some of their mines and restart
production, you can’t expect much tonnage to be squeezed out until at
least January next year,”
the mill source said.
A Shanghai trader agreed, saying that even though the coal price
surge had obliterated margins of most steelmakers, better-performing
mills were still able to absorb the price increases.
A deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low Vol HCC
with 73-75% CSR, at $255-$257/mt FOB Australia. The 75,000 mt cargo
is for mid-December laycan. This brand was assessed at $256/mt FOB
Australia. The price spread between this brand and other lower-CSR
Premium Low Vol narrowed day on day to $1/mt from $1.50/mt.
A second deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low
Vol with 71-73% CSR at $257/mt CFR China, or $248.10/mt FOB
Australia equivalent on a Panamax freight back-calculation. This deal
was deemed not repeatable in other international markets, sources
said. The transaction was also not fully reflected in Friday’s
assessment as it contained other conditions that could mask the
intrinsic value of this cargo.
Meanwhile, a spot trade for Australian 19-21% VM and 9-10% ash
material was confirmed done at $155/mt CFR China. This was for a
75,000-mt cargo with early November laycan.
The end-user was using this coal not for injection purposes, but
coal blending to make coke. This type of coal is used as lean coal in
coal blending and to reduce the high sulfur contents of domestic
coking coals.
— Jebsen Seo, Edwin Yeo, Kenneth Foo
Акционер Мечела
28.10.2016 23:38
добрые сказки на ночь =)

Crippinling China supply shortage
sends met coal prices higher again

Singapore—Chinese import prices for premium hard coking coal
closed the trading week higher as a crippling supply shortage in the
country convinced buyers to consider seaborne alternatives.
Premium Low Vol Hard Coking Coal was assessed up $2 day on day
at $254.50/mt CFR China Friday, while prices of exports from Australia
were assessed down 50 cents day on day at $255/mt FOB Australia.
At least four spot metallurgical coal transactions were seen Friday
as market participants continued to perceive limited downside risks on
continued tight supply in China.
“It is no longer a price issue, there is no supply,” a northern Chinese
end-user said. The source who had returned from Shanxi, the center of
coal production in China, added that “you just can’t imagine how tight
the [coal supply] situation is there... everyone is snatching coals.”

Coking coal and PCI inventory levels in China were reported to be
low, sources said. One end-user said that coal supply was short, and
logistical bottlenecks were still not resolved.
Another market source added that almost all large domestic coal
procurement managers of steelmakers were on the road, making trips to
coal mining and railway sites in order to secure coal supply and logistics.
The source said that this was a sign that domestic supply was very tight.
However, one Chinese steelmaker appeared unfazed, indicating that
coal prices were close to, or perhaps had already, reached their peak.

Chinese supply tightness to continue in Q4

Furthermore, several sources said Friday that they expected the
Chinese coal market tightness to persist until the end of the year as many
mine and wash-plant operations were already running close to full capacity.

China’s strict regulation of 276 working days and the nationwide
capacity cut campaign meant that there was little scope to boost
output in the near-term, according to one South China steelmaker.
“Unless you get miners to re-open some of their mines and restart
production, you can’t expect much tonnage to be squeezed out until at
least January next year,”
the mill source said.
A Shanghai trader agreed, saying that even though the coal price
surge had obliterated margins of most steelmakers, better-performing
mills were still able to absorb the price increases.
A deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low Vol HCC
with 73-75% CSR, at $255-$257/mt FOB Australia. The 75,000 mt cargo
is for mid-December laycan. This brand was assessed at $256/mt FOB
Australia. The price spread between this brand and other lower-CSR
Premium Low Vol narrowed day on day to $1/mt from $1.50/mt.
A second deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low
Vol with 71-73% CSR at $257/mt CFR China, or $248.10/mt FOB
Australia equivalent on a Panamax freight back-calculation. This deal
was deemed not repeatable in other international markets, sources
said. The transaction was also not fully reflected in Friday’s
assessment as it contained other conditions that could mask the
intrinsic value of this cargo.
Meanwhile, a spot trade for Australian 19-21% VM and 9-10% ash
material was confirmed done at $155/mt CFR China. This was for a
75,000-mt cargo with early November laycan.
The end-user was using this coal not for injection purposes, but
coal blending to make coke. This type of coal is used as lean coal in
coal blending and to reduce the high sulfur contents of domestic
coking coals.
— Jebsen Seo, Edwin Yeo, Kenneth Foo
Уважаемый ну вы хотябы пару фраз в аннотации черкните! Ну типа " у нас все плохо. Или у нас все хорошо". А потом запускайте!
29.10.2016 00:59
всё хорошо для Мечела и Распадской..вниз пока не ожидается)
добрые сказки на ночь =)

Crippinling China supply shortage
sends met coal prices higher again

Singapore—Chinese import prices for premium hard coking coal
closed the trading week higher as a crippling supply shortage in the
country convinced buyers to consider seaborne alternatives.
Premium Low Vol Hard Coking Coal was assessed up $2 day on day
at $254.50/mt CFR China Friday, while prices of exports from Australia
were assessed down 50 cents day on day at $255/mt FOB Australia.
At least four spot metallurgical coal transactions were seen Friday
as market participants continued to perceive limited downside risks on
continued tight supply in China.
“It is no longer a price issue, there is no supply,” a northern Chinese
end-user said. The source who had returned from Shanxi, the center of
coal production in China, added that “you just can’t imagine how tight
the [coal supply] situation is there... everyone is snatching coals.”

Coking coal and PCI inventory levels in China were reported to be
low, sources said. One end-user said that coal supply was short, and
logistical bottlenecks were still not resolved.
Another market source added that almost all large domestic coal
procurement managers of steelmakers were on the road, making trips to
coal mining and railway sites in order to secure coal supply and logistics.
The source said that this was a sign that domestic supply was very tight.
However, one Chinese steelmaker appeared unfazed, indicating that
coal prices were close to, or perhaps had already, reached their peak.

Chinese supply tightness to continue in Q4

Furthermore, several sources said Friday that they expected the
Chinese coal market tightness to persist until the end of the year as many
mine and wash-plant operations were already running close to full capacity.

China’s strict regulation of 276 working days and the nationwide
capacity cut campaign meant that there was little scope to boost
output in the near-term, according to one South China steelmaker.
“Unless you get miners to re-open some of their mines and restart
production, you can’t expect much tonnage to be squeezed out until at
least January next year,”
the mill source said.
A Shanghai trader agreed, saying that even though the coal price
surge had obliterated margins of most steelmakers, better-performing
mills were still able to absorb the price increases.
A deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low Vol HCC
with 73-75% CSR, at $255-$257/mt FOB Australia. The 75,000 mt cargo
is for mid-December laycan. This brand was assessed at $256/mt FOB
Australia. The price spread between this brand and other lower-CSR
Premium Low Vol narrowed day on day to $1/mt from $1.50/mt.
A second deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low
Vol with 71-73% CSR at $257/mt CFR China, or $248.10/mt FOB
Australia equivalent on a Panamax freight back-calculation. This deal
was deemed not repeatable in other international markets, sources
said. The transaction was also not fully reflected in Friday’s
assessment as it contained other conditions that could mask the
intrinsic value of this cargo.
Meanwhile, a spot trade for Australian 19-21% VM and 9-10% ash
material was confirmed done at $155/mt CFR China. This was for a
75,000-mt cargo with early November laycan.
The end-user was using this coal not for injection purposes, but
coal blending to make coke. This type of coal is used as lean coal in
coal blending and to reduce the high sulfur contents of domestic
coking coals.
— Jebsen Seo, Edwin Yeo, Kenneth Foo
Уважаемый ну вы хотябы пару фраз в аннотации черкните! Ну типа " у нас все плохо. Или у нас все хорошо". А потом запускайте!
29.10.2016 01:02
добрые сказки на ночь =)

Crippinling China supply shortage
sends met coal prices higher again

Singapore—Chinese import prices for premium hard coking coal
closed the trading week higher as a crippling supply shortage in the
country convinced buyers to consider seaborne alternatives.
Premium Low Vol Hard Coking Coal was assessed up $2 day on day
at $254.50/mt CFR China Friday, while prices of exports from Australia
were assessed down 50 cents day on day at $255/mt FOB Australia.
At least four spot metallurgical coal transactions were seen Friday
as market participants continued to perceive limited downside risks on
continued tight supply in China.
“It is no longer a price issue, there is no supply,” a northern Chinese
end-user said. The source who had returned from Shanxi, the center of
coal production in China, added that “you just can’t imagine how tight
the [coal supply] situation is there... everyone is snatching coals.”

Coking coal and PCI inventory levels in China were reported to be
low, sources said. One end-user said that coal supply was short, and
logistical bottlenecks were still not resolved.
Another market source added that almost all large domestic coal
procurement managers of steelmakers were on the road, making trips to
coal mining and railway sites in order to secure coal supply and logistics.
The source said that this was a sign that domestic supply was very tight.
However, one Chinese steelmaker appeared unfazed, indicating that
coal prices were close to, or perhaps had already, reached their peak.

Chinese supply tightness to continue in Q4

Furthermore, several sources said Friday that they expected the
Chinese coal market tightness to persist until the end of the year as many
mine and wash-plant operations were already running close to full capacity.

China’s strict regulation of 276 working days and the nationwide
capacity cut campaign meant that there was little scope to boost
output in the near-term, according to one South China steelmaker.
“Unless you get miners to re-open some of their mines and restart
production, you can’t expect much tonnage to be squeezed out until at
least January next year,”
the mill source said.
A Shanghai trader agreed, saying that even though the coal price
surge had obliterated margins of most steelmakers, better-performing
mills were still able to absorb the price increases.
A deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low Vol HCC
with 73-75% CSR, at $255-$257/mt FOB Australia. The 75,000 mt cargo
is for mid-December laycan. This brand was assessed at $256/mt FOB
Australia. The price spread between this brand and other lower-CSR
Premium Low Vol narrowed day on day to $1/mt from $1.50/mt.
A second deal was heard done Friday for Australian Premium Low
Vol with 71-73% CSR at $257/mt CFR China, or $248.10/mt FOB
Australia equivalent on a Panamax freight back-calculation. This deal
was deemed not repeatable in other international markets, sources
said. The transaction was also not fully reflected in Friday’s
assessment as it contained other conditions that could mask the
intrinsic value of this cargo.
Meanwhile, a spot trade for Australian 19-21% VM and 9-10% ash
material was confirmed done at $155/mt CFR China. This was for a
75,000-mt cargo with early November laycan.
The end-user was using this coal not for injection purposes, but
coal blending to make coke. This type of coal is used as lean coal in
coal blending and to reduce the high sulfur contents of domestic
coking coals.
— Jebsen Seo, Edwin Yeo, Kenneth Foo
Уважаемый ну вы хотябы пару фраз в аннотации черкните! Ну типа " у нас все плохо. Или у нас все хорошо". А потом запускайте!
Если в двух словах, то в Китае напряг с углем,и раньше января не ждут улучшения поставок. Поэтому цена и прет вверх
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Авторская ветка
Владелец: Слевин
Диапазон капитализации АО ГК Нацпроектстрой, млрд руб.
(открытое, автор: R&B450, до 19 мар 2025)
1. 1001
2. 2000
3. 3000
4. 6000
5. 1 2001
6. не знаю2
Всего голосов:4 
14.02.25 цена ао ВТБ 87,79. Вероятность (%), что 1.10.2025 она будет больше? на 01.10.2025
(автор: Изя Трахтенгерц с трофеем Узи, до 15 мар 2025)
99 не определился21.02, 03:17
50 andrey06127419.02, 18:51
55 shortfolio19.02, 17:44
100 500 Touro de ouro19.02, 14:01
164 ДИВ18.02, 18:11
100 Гласин18.02, 16:13
140 Phantom18.02, 07:53
95 anbor07217.02, 15:21
150 Еремей12016.02, 13:45
Всего прогнозов: 10

Мировые индексы

Индекс МосБиржи3 303.63+32.99 (+1.01%)18:50
RTSI1 179.86+40.46 (+3.55%)18:50
DJ Industrial43 541.69+113.67 (+0.26%)20:00
S&P 5006 015.98+2.85 (+0.05%)20:00
NASDAQ Comp19 427.9251−96.0799 (−0.49%)20:00
FTSE 1008 658.98−0.39 (0%)19:35
DAX 3022 425.93+138.37 (+0.62%)19:35
Nikkei 22538 776.94+98.9 (+0.26%)21.02
Hang Seng23 341.61−136.31 (−0.58%)11:09

Котировки акций

ВТБ ао94.81+2.45 (+2.65%)20:00
ГАЗПРОМ ао171.35+0.26 (+0.15%)20:00
ГМКНорНик137.74+0.56 (+0.41%)20:00
ЛУКОЙЛ7 708−1.5 (−0.02%)20:00
Полюс18 779.5−69.5 (−0.37%)20:00
Роснефть562.85−9.7 (−1.69%)20:00
РусГидро0.5486−0.0098 (−1.76%)20:00
Сбербанк314.19−0.55 (−0.17%)20:00

Курсы валют

EUR1.04774+0.00215 (+0.21%)20:00
GBP1.2639+0.0007 (+0.06%)20:00
JPY149.574+0.312 (+0.21%)20:00
CAD1.42243+0.00013 (+0.01%)20:00
CHF0.89662−0.00093 (−0.10%)20:00
CNY7.2471−0.0029 (−0.04%)17:59
RUR87.746−0.7487 (−0.85%)19:59
EUR/RUB91.99−0.572 (−0.62%)19:59
AUD0.63591+0.00057 (+0.09%)20:00
HKD7.77426+0.00496 (+0.06%)20:00
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