“Do I feel like your president, that I am exonerated?” he said at one point. “I never felt guilty. It was annoying for me. There was this huge crush on my business, on my companies, when sanctions were put on the companies I founded.”
“I reaffirm to myself that the U.S. systems, that U.S. institutions, still exist.”
Уже было, но повторим Russian aluminum giant Rusal has resumed supplies to the U.S. market and aims to win back customers it lost due to sanctions by about September when the industry seals supply contracts for 2020, its chief executive said.
Rusal planned to keep its 2019 production and investments stable at 3.8 million tonnes and $900 million, respectively, Nikitin said.
Last week, the company launched new production at its Boguchansk aluminum smelter in Siberia, doubling its annual capacity to 298,000 tonnes a year. The company is currently considering a further increase in Boguchansk’s capacity, Nikitin said.
Rusal is also constructing the Taishet aluminum smelter, which it expects to launch in late 2020 and is discussing attracting financing for it from Russian and foreign banks.
Rusal is confident both Taishet and Boguchansk will find demand for their product. It expects global demand for aluminum to grow by 3.7 percent to 68 million tonnes in 2019 and maintain the same pace of growth in 2020.
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