Пока больше ничего не нашёл. Я не теряю надежды, что метод в конце-концов починят, потому что API уникальное на брокерском рынке. Но большое депо я к ним точно не заведу, если починят кину минимум, буду использовать апи и кормить квики через динамический импорт транзакций. Высокочастотником так не стать, но я думаю реакция будет здравой для большинства стратегий. Впрочем, в каком-то смысле высокочастотником без FIXа вообще не стать, но на пробой плиты в стакане можно замахнуться по скорости реакции.
да уж, если они такие ставки делают, большое депо к ним точно не стоит закидывать. лонг жижи по 50, лонг сипи, шорт бакса, золота, префов сургуча по 29... имхо дебилы они. http://www.finam.ru/analysis/marketnews/para-us...
самоубийственная стратегия сейчас, для таких открытий поз надо чтоб ФРС начал снова деньги печатать бесконтрольно
1 мая 2013 FT Treasury shares worth $15bn that formerly belonged to Surgutneftegas have disappeared from the books of the Russian oil company, which reported annual results to International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time in 11 years on Tuesday.
The company had reported the stake of 17.6bn treasury shares, equal to about 40 per cent of the company, the last time it had reported accounts to international standards in 2001. In its latest accounts the company disclosed that it held just 650,000 treasury shares.
There was no explanation in the new accounts for what had happened to the shares during that past 11 years.
The company refused to answer analysts’ questions about the stake during a presentation in its west Siberian home town of Surgut. The company said it had nothing to add to the reported accounts, which made no mention of the stake, according to analysts present at the presentation.
The press office at Surgutneftegas declined to comment.
The fate of the treasury shares has left analysts puzzled.
Alexander Burgansky of Otkritie Capital, the Moscow bank, said: “Surgutneftegas had a chance to come out clean, but they missed it.” The company also reported that it is sitting on $29bn in cash, roughly what analysts were expecting. Many researchers had put a buy rating on the company, betting that its market cap of just over $30bn was equivalent to the amount of cash it held.
Surgutneftegaz share price rose 3 per cent initially on news of the cash pile, which some analysts believe will be used to pay dividends. However, the share price slumped on concerns over transparency, falling by 3 per cent in morning trading in Moscow.
The company is one of the most secretive in Russia, privatised in the 1990s, with its main owners believed to be its management.
нет бы объяснить нормально на счет 2006 года. пришлось статью из 13го на английской тискать, чтоб тебя понять нельзя тебе лекции в универе читать. все студенты у тебя из двоек вылезать не будут
Страна восходящего солнца задумалась о дорогах в РФ. И уже сейчас Токио рассматривает проект продления российской Транссибирской магистрали до острова Хоккайдо, а также изучает программу модернизации участка железной дороги между Казанью и Владивостоком. http://www.utro.ru/articles/2016/10/03/1299613....
Ага, щазззз... Роттенберги так прямо и пустили японцев в РФ ж/д строить... Да ещё и рельсы поставлять... Угу...
1 мая 2013 FT Treasury shares worth $15bn that formerly belonged to Surgutneftegas have disappeared from the books of the Russian oil company, which reported annual results to International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time in 11 years on Tuesday.
The company had reported the stake of 17.6bn treasury shares, equal to about 40 per cent of the company, the last time it had reported accounts to international standards in 2001. In its latest accounts the company disclosed that it held just 650,000 treasury shares.
There was no explanation in the new accounts for what had happened to the shares during that past 11 years.
The company refused to answer analysts’ questions about the stake during a presentation in its west Siberian home town of Surgut. The company said it had nothing to add to the reported accounts, which made no mention of the stake, according to analysts present at the presentation.
The press office at Surgutneftegas declined to comment.
The fate of the treasury shares has left analysts puzzled.
Alexander Burgansky of Otkritie Capital, the Moscow bank, said: “Surgutneftegas had a chance to come out clean, but they missed it.” The company also reported that it is sitting on $29bn in cash, roughly what analysts were expecting. Many researchers had put a buy rating on the company, betting that its market cap of just over $30bn was equivalent to the amount of cash it held.
Surgutneftegaz share price rose 3 per cent initially on news of the cash pile, which some analysts believe will be used to pay dividends. However, the share price slumped on concerns over transparency, falling by 3 per cent in morning trading in Moscow.
The company is one of the most secretive in Russia, privatised in the 1990s, with its main owners believed to be its management.
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