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04.01.2020 08:57
GNCS Factsheets

About GNCS
The Global Network for Climate Solutions (GNCS) was a network of research centers and institutes seeking to inform future international climate negotiations by grounding them in research focused on concrete solutions and actions. Hosted at the Earth Institute of Columbia University, and with the generous support of the Planet Heritage Foundation and the Skoll Global Threats Fund, the GNCS facilitated the design of country-based action strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The following factsheets are available for download (pdf):

GNCS – Aluminum Factsheet
GNCS – CCS Factsheet
GNCS – Carbon Storage Factsheet
GNCS – Air Capture Factsheet
GNCS – Cement Factsheet
GNCS – Electric Vehicles Factsheet
GNCS – HFCs Factsheet
GNCS – Iron & Steel
GNCS – Methane from Oil & Gas Factsheet
GNCS – PFCs Factsheet
GNCS – SF6 Factsheet
04.01.2020 09:45

Russia enjoys new gold rush in trees as China fuels a lumber boom

Ed Clowes
2 JANUARY 2020 • 11:34AM

The unglamorous wood sector – and the bleak region of Archangel – looks increasingly important to Russia’s economy

On the banks of the White Sea lies a remote Russia city so isolated it is frozen off from the rest of the country for half the year.

But despite its hostile conditions, Arkhangelsk – or Archangel as it is known in English – has been at the forefront of one of last year’s best performing commodities: lumber.

The price of lumber – the kind of sawn wood that is used to build houses – finished the year up by around 27pc, outperforming many better known commodities, including gold, silver and Brent crude.

Lumber is a critical industrial commodity, acting as an essential construction...
04.01.2020 10:19

Turbines of the year 2019: Onshore turbines 3.5MW-plus
Turbines of the year 2019: Onshore turbines up to 3.4MW
Turbines of the year 2019: Innovations
Turbines of the year 2019: Rotor blades
Turbines of the year 2019: Drivetrains
Turbines of the year 2019: China's OEMs take up the challenge
Turbines of the year 2019: Offshore turbines

Turbines of the year 2019: Onshore turbines 3.5MW-plus

2 January 2020 by Eize de Vries

All the leading OEMs launched new products or enhanced existing machinery in the fast-growing supersize sector that is taking wind into zero-subsidy territory.

04.01.2020 10:42
UK Government rallies Commonwealth to unite on marine waste

Published 18 April 2018

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04.01.2020 10:47

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04.01.2020 11:14

EU green deal could transform metals demand

Published date: 03 January 2020

The EU's green deal climate policy could transform demand for metals used in technology and green applications, with some benefiting and some losing out.

The European Commission announced its proposed green deal in December, aimed at reducing emissions to net zero by 2050. The plan is a broad indication of EU policy in the coming years.

The deal is intended to support green initiatives such as transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs), a circular economy, lower-emitting steel production technologies and reducing freight emissions. If delivered, the policies will impact demand for several minor and specialty metals.

But the plan will have to pass votes in the EU Council and the European Parliament before its provisions come into effect.

Transitioning to electric vehicles

EVs accounted for a 3.1pc share of total vehicle sales in the EU in the third quarter of 2019, signalling significant room for growth. The commission has said vehicle emissions must be cut by over 90pc by 2050, requiring a full transition to EVs by that point, and it "will consider legislative options" to boost EV demand in the coming years.

Member states are currently responsible for their own country-specific EV incentives, resulting in an inconsistent approach across the EU. Some countries have encouraged EV sales, with the French government increasing its EV subsidies on 1 January, aiming to increase its sales by 2022. But on the same day, the Netherlands reduced tax incentives for EVs, which led to a rush of purchases in December ahead of the change, with EV licence plate registrations jumping to 22,989 in December from 6,874 in November, according to Dutch car data provider Kentekenradar.

If the EU legislates for a cohesive continent-wide system with incentives that encourage EVs, as proposed under the green deal, demand for battery metals would increase sharply.

Argus estimates that global demand for lithium could rise to 136,000t by 2030, from 51,000t in 2017. Cobalt demand could grow to 218,000t in 2030, up from just under 120,000t in 2018. Most of this demand growth would be driven by the EV sector.

The commission also said it would support the deployment of public recharging points across the continent, which European auto industry association ACEA has called for.

There are around 144,000 public charging points in Europe at present, according to ACEA research. It is estimated that by 2030, the EU will need around 2.8mn charging points, which will require copper wiring, galvanised steel and aluminium alloys, as well as minor metals that are used to improve the properties of those alloys.

Moving to a circular economy

The EU aims to move Europe from a consumption economy to a circular economy, encourage more recycling and the use of longer lasting products.

It has proposed a new "right of repair" for European consumers, focused on consumer technology.

The market has been a key driver of demand for metals such as indium, gallium and germanium. With fewer people buying new phones, choosing second-hand models instead, prices for these metals fell last year. Argus assessed indium prices at $132-144/kg duty unpaid in Rotterdam on 2 January, down from $225-235/kg a year earlier.

A repair scheme could add extra downward pressure, as sales of new products fall.

But increased recycling of products could create new industries for recycled metals. For battery metals including nickel and cobalt, there could be large-scale extraction of recycled material from EVs, mobile phones and laptops.

European companies such as Umicore are already doing this. From this month, Umicore will recover over 90pc of the cobalt and nickel used in Audi E-Tron batteries.

Swedish battery producer Northvolt announced plans for a recycling facility in December, targeting 50pc recycled material in new cells by 2030.

Argus assessed chemical-grade cobalt metal prices at $15.75-16.30/lb duty unpaid in Rotterdam on 2 January.

Upgrading freight and industrial infrastructure

The EU is also targeting emissions from freight and heavy industry, aiming to shift a large proportion of the 75pc of inland freight that is currently transported by road to rail. This will mean extra railways, boosting demand for steel and ferro-alloys including ferro-manganese and ferro-vanadium.

But lower demand for large road vehicles could have a negative effect on demand for light metals used in automotive manufacturing, including silicon, aluminium and magnesium. The steel grades used in these trucks would also come under pressure.

The EU intends to provide financial support for lower-emitting steel technologies, and the commission plans to propose a "carbon border adjustment mechanism, for selected sectors, to reduce the risk of carbon leakage".

EU steel producers have called on the EU to introduce tariffs on imports from steel producers in countries that are not subject to the same types of emissions controls that they are, arguably creating a more level playing field. This could aid EU steelmakers after a particularly challenging 2019, with imports still putting the continent under pressure, among other factors. A stronger steel sector with scope to increase production would then boost demand for a range of ferro-alloys and minor metals in steel applications.

By Thomas Kavanagh
04.01.2020 13:09
4 января, 10:45

Австрия: 100% ВИЭ-электроэнергия к 2030 году, климатическая нейтральность к 2040

Новое коалиционное правительство Австрии, сформированное консервативной Австрийской народной партией (АНП) в партнерстве с партией «Зеленые», 2-ого января представило Правительственную программу (Regierungsprogramm 2020 – 2024). В ней содержится много интересных задач и мероприятий в области энергетики и климата.

Во многих ключевых моментах они подтверждают намерения прежнего правительства, изложенные в 2018 году в проекте «Климатической и энергетической стратегии».

Новая Программа однозначно предусматривает, что к 2030 году вся потребляемая в стране электроэнергия должна будет вырабатываться на основе возобновляемых источников. Для расширения их использования в Австрии будет принят специальный Закон о развитии ВИЭ (Erneuerbaren-Ausbau-Gesetz, сокр. EAG).

По расчётам авторов Программы, достижение стопроцентной доли ВИЭ потребует дополнительной выработки объектов ВИЭ в объёме 27 ТВт*ч в год к 2030 г, в том числе 11 ТВт*ч солнечных и 10 ТВт*ч ветровых электростанций. Применительно к солнечной энергетике это означает, что примерно 10-11 ГВт фотоэлектрических систем должно быть построено к 2030 году.

В Программе поставлена задача «оснастить 1 миллион крыш» солнечными электростанциями. В проекте Климатической и энергетической стратегии 2018 года, которую мы упоминали выше, говорилось о сотне тысяч солнечных кровель.

Австрийцы будут постепенно отказываться от использования ископаемого топлива в теплоснабжении, и с 2025 года в новостройках будет запрещено устанавливать газовые котлы. Газовые сети, используемые для теплоснабжения, расширяться не будут.

«Самое позднее» к 2040 году Австрия должна стать климатически-нейтральной страной, одной из первых в мире.

Программа предусматривает повышение доступности общественного транспорта. В частности, стоимость дневного проездного билета будет составлять всего 1 евро в рамках одной федеральной земли, а за три евро в день можно будет путешествовать на общественном транспорте по всей стране.

В секторе недвижимости постепенно, «шаг за шагом» стандартом должны стать здания с нулевыми выбросами.
04.01.2020 13:22

3 января, 16:24

С революционных солнечных панелей можно будет делать окна

Современные солнечные панели, хоть и эффективный способ получения энергии, однако они довольно габаритные. В большинстве случаев их располагают или на отдельных полигонах, или на крышах домов. Ученые приняли решение расширить сферу применения фотоэлементов и сделали их прозрачными.

Солнечные батареи производят из кристаллического кремния, который сам по себе не пропускает свет. Пока другие исследователи пытались подобрать альтернативный материал для прозрачных фотоэлементов, корейские ученые выбрали простой и, как оказалось, более эффективный метод.

Они просверлили в тонкой пластине множество микроскопических отверстий в определенном порядке. В результате для человеческого глаза фотоэлемент стал прозрачным и практически бесцветным. Дело в том, что большую часть площади материала занимают отверстия диаметром около 100 мкм каждый, свободно пропускают свет. Остальные поверхности прежнему способна конвертировать солнечную энергию в электричество. По словам создателей, их батарея достигает 12,2% эффективности против стандартных 20-25%.

Ученые собираются заменить новыми солнечными панелями обычные окна - они даже провели серию тестов, однако не смогли добиться стабильного результата. В будущем авторы проекта планируют увеличить эффективность прозрачной батареи до 15%, а также сделать ее более прочной. Не исключено, что в перспективе эту разработку могут внедрить в экраны смартфонов, планшетов, ноутбуков и других мобильных устройств, повысив тем самым их автономность.

Ранее ЭлектроВести сообщали о создании фотоэлементов, которые растягиваются на 95% без потери КПД.
04.01.2020 13:34
Сенатор призвал Трампа уничтожить нефтяную отрасль Ирана

Фондовый рынок
04.01.20 10:16

«Меня кратко проинформировали о потенциальной операции (по уничтожению Касема Сулеймани —, когда я был во Флориде» - сообщил сенатор во вчерашнем интервью телеканалу FOX. - «Если бы я был президентом, я бы провел операцию не в Ираке или Сирии, а в самом Иране. Я бы нанес удар по экономическим целям, и это разрушило бы экономику Ирана».

На вопрос журналистов о том, следует ли ждать следующего удара по нефтяным месторождениям страны, господин Грэм ответил, что необходимо сдержать Иран. Конгрессмен отметил, что сейчас Тегеран думает о мести, и самое главное, что может этому воспрепятствовать, — это утрата возможности перерабатывать нефть.

«Как помешать иранским планам мести? Чего иранский режим не может позволить себе лишиться? Способности перерабатывать нефть», - заключил сенатор.

Отметим, что господин Грэм известен своими агрессивными внешнеполитическими взглядами. В частности, он критиковал мягкую позицию Барака Обамы на Ближнем Востоке, призывал к превентивным ударам по Ирану в 2010 году, осудил действия России в Грузии, а также призывает противодействовать России на международной арене.

Имеет звание полковника резервного командования ВВС США.

Вчера эксперты Capital Economics предупредили о том, что возможное перекрытие Ормузского пролива в случае начала «горячего» военного конфликта между США и Ираном может спровоцировать взлет цен на нефть до $150 за баррель.
04.01.2020 16:18
Сообщение удалено автором 04.03.2021 в 21:33.
04.01.2020 16:27

Trafigura Group Pte Ltd announces 2019 results showing another strong and steady financial performance

Singapore, 11 December 2019 - Trafigura Group Pte Ltd (“Trafigura”), a market leader in the global commodities industry, has today announced another successful and profitable year, with the company’s two core trading divisions, Oil and Petroleum Products and Metals and Minerals delivering a record performance.


Outlook: confidence in a rapidly changing world

It is expected that 2020 will be another good year for Trafigura given that market volatility and political and economic uncertainty experienced this year is unlikely to diminish in the next 12 months, reinforcing the need for flexible, risk-aware and resilient global platforms in the commodities business. The company’s long-term asset investments are expected to make progress and contribute to the bottom line, for example from mining operations and the shipping market.

From the many opportunities related to the wider changes underway in the world the most important is the growing recognition that climate change needs to be addressed and that to do so, entire energy and transportation economies need to change. By virtue of its global footprint, financial resources and talented people, Trafigura is well positioned to make a positive contribution.

Trafigura is intensely focused on the opportunities that addressing climate change will bring to its business and for example is already extensively involved in the supply chain of materials required for batteries. Through the newly created Power and Renewables Trading Division, its power trading activities are developing, as are investment opportunities in renewable energy.

Trafigura remains a major trader in energy and fuels. The company is taking action to reduce emissions and is contributing towards industry change, including the need for greater actions to curb emissions from shipping. Its Responsibility Report, to be published in January 2020, provides information on steps the company is taking to reduce these emissions.
04.01.2020 18:49
4 января, 14:38

По итогам 2019 года Tesla реализовала 367 500 автомобилей — больше, чем за два предыдущие года вместе взятые

Tesla отчиталась о количестве произведенных и реализованных автомобилей по итогам четвертого квартала текущего года. И 2019 год знаменитый производитель электромобилей завершил на высокой ноте, в очередной раз обновив рекорды.

По итогам заключительной четверти Tesla отгрузила покупателям в общей сложности 112 тыс. автомобилей, превзойдя ожидания аналитиков Уолл-стрит, которые прогнозировали поставки на уровне 106 тыс. Из них Model S и Model X — 19 450 штук, а Model 3 — 92 550. Кстати, только за четвертый квартал 2019 год Tesla поставила клиентам больше машин за весь 2017 год (101 312). Традиционно Tesla старалась отгрузить в последнем квартале максимальное число машин. Ранее глава компании Илон Маск дал сотрудникам Tesla соответствующую установку, а сам 31 декабря отправился на завод компании во Фримонте, чтобы помочь с доставками. Как видим, не зря. Что же касается произведенных за квартал автомобилей, их общее количество составило 104 891 штук. Из них 86 958 являются младшими седанами Model 3, оставшиеся 17 933 — Model S и Model X.

За весь 2019 год Tesla отгрузила покупателям в общей сложности 367 500 автомобилей, что вдвое больше результата годичной давности и также является новым рекордом. Это значение немного выше нижней границы планового показателя (от 360 тыс. до 400 тыс.), но факт остается фактом — Tesla удалось выполнить план. Результат 2019 года превышает общий объем реализованных машин за два предыдущие года вместе взятые (101 312 + 245 240). И это Tesla еще не начала отгрузки китайских Model 3 с недавно заработавшей Gigafactory 3 в Шанхае клиентам. Говоря точнее, пока Tesla отгрузила только первых пятнадцать машин покупателям из числа сотрудников компании, тогда как отгрузки обычным клиентам должны начаться 7 января.

Шанхайская Gigafactory производит 1000 Tesla в неделю. И сейчас Tesla выпускает Model 3 китайской сборки со скоростью 28 автомобилей в час.

Подробный отчет с окончательными финансовыми результатами, как всегда, будет опубликован в конце месяца.

Ранее сообщалось, что электрокары Tesla вошли в список лучших изобретений десятилетия по версии Verge

Согласно списку, электрокар Tesla Model S, который впервые появился на рынке в 2012 году, занял 5-е место в рейтинге. Другой электромобиль компании, Model S, который увидел свет в 2017 году, занял 29-е место.
04.01.2020 18:54
FAQs about aluminium in food and products intended for consumers

BfR position paper (823.0 KB)

Reducing aluminium intake can minimise potential health risks

45/2019, 18.11.2019

The BfR has estimated total aluminium intake for the first time

For parts of the German population aluminium intake from various sources might result in an increased health risk. This is the result of a new study by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). The study conducted for the first time a health assessment of the population's entire oral and dermal intake of aluminium from various aluminium sources. The study has now been published in the scientific journal "Archives of Toxicology". Sources of intake include food, cosmetics like aluminium containing antiperspirants, toothpaste and sun cream as well as consumer goods like uncoated aluminium menu trays and aluminium foil. The BfR study shows that the tolerable weekly intake can be significantly exceeded in all age groups. The BfR therefore recommends reducing aluminium intake from all avoidable sources in order to avoid an increased health risk. "There are still scientific uncertainties, especially in the assessment of the long-term consequences and the actual absorption of aluminium via the skin," says BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel.

Those who want to reduce their aluminium intake should use uncoated food contact materials, aluminium containing antiperspirants and other cosmetic products sparingly. The BfR generally advises against the preparation and storage of foods from uncoated aluminium containers or aluminium foil, particularly if they are acidic or salty. It is therefore possible for consumers to influence their aluminium intake. If the aforementioned and avoidable sources of exposure are reduced, most consumers are not expected to suffer any adverse health effects.

Read the BfR's opinion PDF-File (70.4 KB)

Read the study

The BfR study estimated the total aluminium intake for the different age groups - infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults - as well as for normal and high consumers.

The Institute has based its exposure assessment and health assessment of food on concentration and consumption data from the German Pilot Total Diet Study and the National Nutrition Survey II. It shows that the health-based guidance value derived from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which corresponds to a tolerable weekly intake (TWI) of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight, is on average exhausted by approximately 50% by food.

To assess the total aluminium exposure, the BfR also estimated the contribution from food contact materials such as uncoated aluminium menu or baking trays, from cosmetics such as aluminium containing lipsticks, toothpaste, antiperspirants or sun cream, and from vaccines and drugs. The total intake calculated in this way may exceed the TWI derived by EFSA for all age groups.

The BfR has identified special risk groups for high aluminium exposure and the associated health risks:

infants and toddlers fed on specially adapted soy-based, lactose-free or hypoallergenic food. The BfR therefore recommends exclusively breastfeeding infants up to the age of six months and subsequently feeding them a normal diet.
children (between 3 and 10 years of age) who frequently eat food packaged, heated or kept warm in uncoated aluminium articles (aluminium foil, aluminium menu trays). They may ingest aluminium concentrations that could be harmful to health.
adolescents (11 to 14 years old) and adults (over 14 years old) who frequently use aluminium containing antiperspirants and whitening toothpaste and often consume food packaged, heated or kept warm in uncoated aluminium articles (aluminium foil, aluminium menu trays).
Since aluminium is stored in the body for a very long time, high exposure to aluminium is particularly critical for young people. Aluminium can pass through the placental barrier. If young women have a high aluminium exposure, for instance through cosmetic products, the unborn child could also be exposed to an increased concentration of aluminium during pregnancy. From the BfR’s perspective, any aluminium intake from an avoidable source of exposure over a longer period of time should therefore be critically evaluated, especially by young women.

Foods containing aluminium include tea, coffee, spices and food that contains cocoa, such as chocolate. However, pulses, vegetables and cereals may also contain larger amounts of aluminium. In addition, food can be contaminated by the transfer of aluminium from food contact materials. In this context, the BfR has indicated the high aluminium concentration in lye biscuits baked on aluminium sheets or apple juice stored in uncoated aluminium tanks.

If the aluminium intake is too high over a longer period of time, increased health risks are possible. A high intake of aluminium compounds can cause developmental disorders of the brain and motor functions as well as damage to the kidneys, liver and bones. This is because aluminium compounds can trigger inflammatory effects or oxidative stress in cells, thereby damaging them. In addition, the cell metabolism is influenced and the cells can no longer sufficiently supply themselves with energy, which can lead to the death of the cell (apoptosis). As the most sensitive endpoint for deriving its health-based guidance value, EFSA has used developmental neurotoxic effects (development of the brain with regard to learning behaviour and motor skills) as a basis. The most sensitive endpoint is the adverse health effect from all observed effects that occurs with the lowest dose.

About the BfR

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is a scientifically independent institution within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Germany. It advises the Federal Government and Federal Laender on questions of food, chemical and product safety. The BfR conducts its own research on topics that are closely linked to its assessment tasks.
04.01.2020 18:56
Греция, Кипр и Израиль договорились построить Восточно-Средиземноморский газопровод

Москва, 4 января - "Вести.Экономика"
. Греция, Кипр и Израиль подписали в Афинах соглашение о начале строительства Восточно-Средиземноморского газопровода (EastMed).

В подписании соглашения приняли участие премьер-министр Греции Кириакос Мицотакис, премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху и президент Кипра Никос Анастасиадес, сообщает "Интерфакс".

Протяженность EastMed составит около 2 тыс. км, мощность - 12 млрд куб. м газа в год.

Газ начнут поставлять с офшорных месторождений, расположенных между Израилем и Кипром. Газопровод пойдет в Грецию и далее в страны Юго-Восточной Европы.

EastMed станет самым длинным подводным газопроводом в мире, трубу введут в строй в 2025-2026 гг.

Европейский союз в 2015 г. присвоил EastMed статус "Проекта общего интереса" (PCI) и заплатил 2 млн евро за технико-экономическое обоснование (ТЭО) проекта. Не позднее 2022 г. ЕС примет решение о том, брать ли на себя 50% общей стоимости проекта, который сейчас оценивают в 7 млрд евро.

Еще 50% расходов на строительство газопровода возьмут на себя греческая DEPA и итальянская Edison через совместное предприятие IGI Poseidon.
04.01.2020 19:09
Jakarta, Indonesia

ANTAM in a Glance

ANTAM is a vertically integrated, export-oriented, diversified mining and metals company. With operations spread throughout the mineral-rich Indonesian archipelago, ANTAM undertakes all activities from exploration, excavation, processing through to marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite and coal.

ANTAM operating segments are distinguished according to three core businesses which comprised on nickel, gold and refinery, and bauxite and alumina.

ANTAM Geomin & Technology Development

Official ANTAM
Aug 6, 2019
04.01.2020 19:36

ESG Monthly: November 2019

Who will pay for a plastic-free future? What are the alternatives to single-use plastic? How are hoteliers moving to prevent millions of pounds of plastic waste? Looking back at our ESG research and analyses from November, we’re showcasing our most essential insights on plastics.

What is Energy Transition?

What is nuclear power’s role in energy transition?

The S in ESG Diversity in Clinical Trials



Europe’s plastic recycling drive pits consumer demand against economic realities

Shale-fueled US plastics boom puts spotlight on sustainability

Who Will Pay For A Plastic-Free Future?

Pernod Ricard, other consumer companies find alternatives to single-use plastics

BP plans new plant to recycle tough-to-recycle PET

Global polyethylene oversupply to weigh on prices in H1 2020

Two major hoteliers move to trash tiny shampoo bottles
04.01.2020 19:39

S&P Global
Dec 30, 2019

President of @SPGlobalPlatts Martin Fraenkel details his 5 commodity themes to watch in 2020, from energy transitions to new emerging markets.
04.01.2020 19:52

Saudi Aramco/global warming: carbon bargain
Innovation: oil group with world’s largest carbon footprint will not cut output as much as its peers

January 1 2020

The world’s largest listed oil producer has the world’s largest carbon footprint. Yet it is set to do less than smaller peers to contain global warming. Saudi Aramco has not set any obvious reduction targets. Its leadership in the Opec cartel hands it an inherent limit on production plus it has very low costs. This all gives it a big advantage over peers pursuing the seemingly mutually exclusive goals of increasing oil production while reducing CO2 emissions.
Consider seven of the largest oil companies — ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP, Total, Eni and ConocoPhillips. All have dutifully trotted out plans to limit their carbon output by 2040 in order to keep the global temperature increase well below 2C. But those imply some chunky cuts. Exxon would need to more than halve its annual CO2 emissions of 600m tonnes.
On average the big seven need to cut emissions by 40 per cent, implying slashing oil production by a third, according to researchers at Carbon Tracker and Rystad Energy. That suggests steep cost cuts will be necessary just to keep profits flatlining, regardless of how oil prices move in 2040.
By contrast, Saudi Aramco and its fellow Middle Eastern producers can produce much of their crude below $35 a barrel. That beats most international oil companies and explains why Saudi Aramco’s return on capital employed, a measure of efficiency and profitability, is so high. At 36 per cent this year, it dwarfs the 10 per cent RoCE that Shell hopes to achieve in the medium term.
As a result, Saudi Aramco may be one of the last producers of oil in a worst-case global warming scenario for the industry. Saudi production grows very slowly, at less than 1 per cent annually since 2000. Expect a less than 5 per cent cut to its production over the medium term. Saudi Aramco will no doubt be responsible for a lot of carbon emissions, but as a low-cost producer it is unlikely to cut its output as much as its international peers.

Saudi Aramco Warns of ‘Climate Change Concerns’ in Its IPO Prospectus. It’s Not What You Think.

By David Meyer
November 12, 2019


Lee Fang, Sharon Lerner
September 18 2019, 3:00 p.m.
04.01.2020 19:55

Russia's industry is becoming greener
Companies have to reduce pollutant emissions
/ By Gerit Schulze


Moscow (GTAI) - Russia's industry invests in environmentally friendly production processes. Metallurgy plants in particular are investing billions to meet state environmental requirements.

Investments in environmental technology and sustainable production processes are no longer new territory for Russia's industrial companies. Many companies are now global and are based on western production standards. In this way, they want to recommend themselves to investors and customers who increasingly value environmentally friendly production.

Hundreds of companies should invest in the best available technology

The law on the introduction of the best available techniques (BAT) acts as a catalyst for the increased use of environmental technologies. It affects production plants with particularly high pollutant emissions. In total, around 7,000 industrial companies are to invest in BAT in the coming years.

Since 2019, the 300 largest polluters such as cement factories, power plants, paper combines and chemical companies have to bring their production facilities up to the current state of the art in order to generate fewer emissions. The list of the Ministry of Environment also includes many metal producers such as Norilsk Nickel, the Karabaschmed copper smelter, the Chelyabinsk zinc plant, the aluminum plants in Sayanogorsk and Bratsk (both Rusal) and the Evraz steelworks ZSMK in Novokuznetsk.

The NWOS environmental tax, which is raised annually by a coefficient, also creates investment pressure in the industry. Companies have to pay the tax for pollutant emissions, waste water and landfilled industrial waste. On December 28, 2019, President Putin signed a federal law that regulates quarterly advances for negative environmental impacts and prohibits the incineration of unprocessed waste. This means that useful materials must first be extracted. The law will enter into force on January 1, 2020 ( ).

Cities introduce emission quotas

On January 1, 2020, emissions quota will also start in twelve cities that are particularly polluted, such as Magnitogorsk, Novokuznetsk and Norilsk. If certain limit values ​​are exceeded, companies and municipal utilities could be obliged to reduce pollutant emissions.

The government supports investments in modern environmental technology. As part of the federal "Clean Air" project, over 7 billion euros are to flow into emissions protection between 2019 and 2024, a fifth of this from the state budget.

Investors and customers reward environmental orientation

Investing in ecological standards is also important for Russia's large companies because it improves their reputation globally. Sustainable projects are rewarded by international investors who specialize in "green bonds".

In autumn 2019, aluminum giant Rusal sought export pre-financing (PXF) from an international banking consortium that is tied to the company's sustainable development. The interest rate on the $ 750 million loan varies depending on investments in environmental technologies and other environmental metrics.

Industrial waste is reused

The listed company has long been trying to improve its CO2 footprint in aluminum smelting. Between 2020 and 2024, Rusal will install 17 modern gas cleaning systems using the dry method in its plants. The technology was developed in the company's own research department.

Rusal is also testing the processing of red mud, which is produced when aluminum oxide is extracted. So far, the company has been able to recycle a tenth of this bauxite residue, but plans to further optimize the process to reduce the use of reagent. In doing so, Rusal strives to cooperate with international industrial partners.

Norilsk Nickel is also very active in the introduction of environmental technology. At its main location in Norilsk alone, the company plans to invest around 1.7 billion euros in improving air quality by 2023. This should reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 75 percent in the next four years.

When extracting nickel and copper-nickel ores on the Kola Peninsula (Kolskaja GMK), the company uses waste heat generated by nickel electrolysis. The process heats up water, which is used to generate energy via heat exchangers. Already in 2020, this should save almost 10,000 tons of heating oil.

Steel giant Severstal wants to gradually replace conventional scrubbers for absorbing dust and pollutants with more efficient bag filters. When it comes to water use, the group invests in the cycle. Technologies for phytoremediation are to be increasingly used for wastewater treatment, i.e. with the help of plants. Severstal also tries to completely recycle waste such as blast furnace slag, dust, reinforced concrete and cables. At the Tscherepowez site, Severstal also wants to increase its own energy generation and thereby use gases that are produced during metal production.

Current investment projects in Russian metallurgy (in million euros)

Company / location Project investment Time schedule
Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk Reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions 1700 until 2023
MMK, Magnitogorsk New coking plant and blast furnace with modern filter technology to reduce dust and pollutants 540 2019 to 2025
NLMK, Lipetsk Reduction of pollutant emissions, new power plant to use converter gas 280 2019 to 2023
Karabashmed, Karabash (South Ural) New line for copper anodes, use of furnace gas for sulfuric acid production 170 until 2022
Mechel, different locations Improvement of air pollution control and waste recycling 140 until 2024
Severstal, Cherepovets Expansion of energy production from coke, blast furnace and converter gas kA 2019 to 2025
OMZ-Spezstal, Saint Petersburg Modernization of water treatment and cooling systems for steel production kA 2020
Rusal, various locations (including Bratsk and Irkutsk) Installation of 17 gas cleaning systems kA 2020 to 2025
Sources: press releases, research by Germany Trade and Invest

Western technology remains in demand

The metallurgical combine NLMK in Lipezk claims to have increased its production by two thirds since 2000 (to 13.3 million tonnes per year), while at the same time reducing emissions by 22 percent. Investments in environmental technology continue. The aim is to bring the state of the art to EU level. By 2023, pollutant emissions are expected to drop by another 8,000 tons.

When modernizing the Russian metal industry, Western European plant manufacturers continue to have good delivery options. For example, the non-ferrous metal factory Rewda in the Urals (UGMK Holding) recently bought a hydraulic press for the production of copper pipes from the SMS Group in Düsseldorf. Evraz ordered cooling tower technology from Decsa in Italy to remove less cooling water from the river in Novokuznetsk.

Severstal installed a hydrochloric acid recovery plant in Cherepovets in 2019. Equipment from the Austrian plant manufacturer Magnatech and conveyor technology from the Saxon manufacturer Wutra are used. The ZMK electrometallurgy plant in the Chelyabinsk region buys German fans and electric motors for more efficient smoke extraction.

Further information on the economic situation, industries, business practice, law, customs and tenders in Russia can be found at
04.01.2020 20:11

Creating A Titan

14 June 2005

The A380 will be hard to miss at Paris. But what lies behind its highly visible structure? Our technical overview reveals the giant’s aerodynamic secrets

When good planes have to die: Scrapping an A380 and Lineage 1000E


Why scrap a perfectly good airplane? Whether an extremely large or reasonably small aircraft, the reasoning often is the same. Over the past couple weeks images emerged of two different planes being sent to the scrapyard that elicited significant emotional response. In both cases, however, the end of the line for the types was a driving force. It also calls attention to the challenges of recycling aircraft components, especially with newer synthetic materials involved.
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