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06.03.2012, 07:13

LINKS-ДАЙДЖЕСТ 01 марта 2012 г.

LINKS-ДАЙДЖЕСТ 01 марта 2012 г.

Европейские аукционы становятся более успешными

Шойбле: утром – своп. Вечером – деньги

Греция приняла поправки к законам о пенсиях и здравоохранении

Ангела Меркель готова расширить ЕСМ

Теме вчерашнего падения золота посвящена отличная статья Spydell

Модель каскадного обрушения активов

Mario Draghi Is Becoming Germany's Most Hated Man

Немцы проклинают тот момент, когда Драги стал главой ЕЦБ.

Against this backdrop, it is perhaps no coincidence that details of his letter to Draghi emerged in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) - a respected German daily.

In his letter, Weidmann called for a return to collateral rules as they had been before the crisis, the FAZ said.

Weidmann had already expressed concern that "too generous" supply of liquidity could create risky incentives for banks, which could in turn store up future inflation risks.

Ewald Nowotny, a member of the ECB's 23-man Governing Council, went further on Tuesday and said the bank should think about an exit strategy after its massive cash injections.

Глава Бундесбанка Вайдман направил письмо Драги с призывом вернуться к более строим правилам залога.

Next Leg Of The Ponzi Revealed - Foreign Central Banks To Begin Buying US Stocks Outright Starting Today

Блумберг пишет:

Центральные банки стали непосредственно сами покупать акции.

The Bank of Israel will begin today a pilot program to invest a portion of its foreign currency reserves in U.S. equities.

The investment, which in the initial phase will amount to 2 percent of the $77 billion reserves, or about $1.5 billion, will be made through UBS AG and BlackRock Inc. (BLK), Bank of Israel spokesman Yossi Saadon said in a telephone interview today. At a later stage, the investment is expected to increase to 10 percent of the reserves.

A small number of central banks have started investing part of their reserves in equities. About 9 percent of the foreign- exchange reserves of Switzerland’s central bank were invested in shares at the end of the third quarter, the Swiss bank said on its website.

The investment will be made in equity index trackers and will include between 1,500 to 2,000 shares, among them stocks like Apple Inc. (AAPL), Saadon said.

As ISDA Sits To "Find" If Greek CDS Triggered, It Gets Second Greek Default Determination Request Greek Economy Suffers Record Collapse In February Goldman Lowers Q1 GDP For Second Time In One Day

Голдман второй раз за день сокращает прогноз по ВВП за первый квартал

Goldman Closes Long Russell 2000 Trade On "Sagging Macro Data", "Softer Patch In US Data"

Голдман объявил о закрытии лонга по Расселлу 2000

After some impressive data in early February, which boosted the Russell 2000, over the last month still-solid macro data has failed to produce further results and the Russell -- along with other high beta/cyclical implementations -- have sagged (even though the S&P 500 has continued to progress). This may partly reflect the headwinds from higher oil prices and with today’s weaker-than-expected ISM, and forward-looking components also turning softer, we have decided to close this position with modest gains.

Выглядит как медвежья рекомендация

Despite our shift back to neutral, we will continue to use the data to inform our tactical trading stance, and will consider reengaging if the current softer patch in US data turns out to be transient. But our view of forward risks is more balanced at this point, having already seen a significant data-driven market rally, and with the data turning incrementally less uniformly good.

John Taylor Warns Of A "Highly Disastrous, Totally Uncontrollable Inflationary Conflagration"

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