
Dow Jones, DAX, NAS100, S&P500 & CO---

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24.04.2017 08:54
Various West Index
24.04.2017 09:02
I have yesterday issued some charts to look and who would like to trade, today the targets have arrived, the first to the exact comparison comes the Dow Jones it reached my predicted goals in index DJ. Enclosed the chart of huete to look.

Genau so , habe ich im Chart die Nechste Ziele schon gezeit, gute trades.

24.04.2017 09:10
Just like that, I have the next goals in the chart, good trades.
24.04.2017 09:18
In a few minutes comes the next chart I think it will be the Dax, or I can wait a bit until a goal shows, times as I will wish it.
24.04.2017 09:19
I am successful in all index in the world. My years of working and learning the charts bring the best fruits. With balance in my body and with a healthy clear mind, I have managed to create a genius.
24.04.2017 09:31
Dax should actually go down something and the next goals below would then be 12170 - 12140 until then this course could give so-called correction otherwise the dax will go up further
24.04.2017 09:39
If the closing rate of dax today over 12280 would mean that the courses wieste rising will be the first then 12481 --- 12625 --- 12812, Dax wants to go up high
24.04.2017 09:47
For all people who are interested in learning the charts, the strategies can learn more, I want to invite them to me.
24.04.2017 09:57
If the dax the 12142 would break then also the 12120 is closed, but if the turns at 12142 and upwards then then it could go several days sideways so up and down but could also go higher and reach the first 12480, we Will now look where he wants to do something.
24.04.2017 10:19
24.04.2017 10:36
24.04.2017 11:01
Closed 12365-70 is a clear entry on high,

is a very important cours

the courses I have listed below all ---

I love Dax Index and I love my knowledge and my freedom
24.04.2017 13:58
Dax is on the way to the high, with the opening of the stock exchange in USA it will probably continue to rise.
24.04.2017 14:36
24.04.2017 20:45
Dow Jones 23.04.2017
24.04.2017 20:46
Dow Jones 24.04.2017
24.04.2017 22:07
вчера 23.04.2017

сегодня 24.04.2017 утром

сегодня вечером 24.04.2017 недошёл 3 пункта

24.04.2017 22:11
доброго вечера

всем у кого есть интерес на Индексы , заходите смотрите зарабатывайте .

если есть какие вопросы пишите всегда отвечу.

24.04.2017 22:12
good evening

Anyone who has an interest in Indexes come see earn.

If you have any questions write to me, I will always answer.

25.04.2017 11:04
DAX Short TP 12420
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Сколько будет стоить акция ФСК-Россети к концу 24 года? на 01.01.2025
(автор: Красномордый, завершён)
0.107юс27.01, 07:30
0.1Trebax01.02, 12:18
0.09RuFuS_3829.01, 06:34
0.0857Троль20.02, 10:41
0.07732Реальное значение 
0.03Гнобитель скотов17.02, 12:54
0.01stt20.02, 10:43
Всего прогнозов: 73

Мировые индексы

Индекс МосБиржи2 816.26+58.81 (+2.13%)06.01
RTSI872.53+8.44 (+0.98%)06.01
DJ Industrial42 737.47+30.91 (+0.07%)18:58
S&P 5005 931.52−43.86 (−0.73%)18:58
NASDAQ Comp19 647.8441−217.1368 (−1.09%)18:58
FTSE 1008 243.16−6.5 (−0.08%)18:58
DAX 3020 307.32+91.13 (+0.45%)18:58
Nikkei 22540 083.3+776.25 (+1.97%)09:30
Hang Seng19 447.58−240.71 (−1.22%)11:09

Котировки акций

ВТБ ао77.97+0.19 (+0.24%)06.01
ГАЗПРОМ ао128.34−0.32 (−0.25%)06.01
ГМКНорНик113.42+0.74 (+0.66%)06.01
ЛУКОЙЛ7 088−34 (−0.48%)06.01
Полюс14 070−25 (−0.18%)06.01
Роснефть588.45−7.65 (−1.28%)06.01
РусГидро0.5125−0.0015 (−0.29%)06.01
Сбербанк274.37+2.12 (+0.78%)06.01

Курсы валют

EUR1.03671−0.00222 (−0.21%)18:58
GBP1.2495−0.0022 (−0.18%)18:58
JPY157.953+0.449 (+0.29%)18:58
CAD1.43438+0.00143 (+0.10%)18:58
CHF0.90815+0.00374 (+0.41%)18:58
CNY7.3259+0.0041 (+0.06%)18:36
RUR106.7537−0.7455 (−0.69%)18:57
EUR/RUB110.667−1.003 (−0.90%)18:57
AUD0.6246+0.00021 (+0.03%)18:58
HKD7.7764+0.0013 (+0.02%)18:58
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