Сейчас.. когда даже самые ярые ненавистники мечула (типа меня)) поверили в разворот...кукелу нужно пустить такую страшную свечу...рупев на 30 ...что бы каждый меченосец дар речи потерял...обязательно подкрепив её новостью...дня два дать переварить и слить отчаившимся..(покупать уже нихто не будет...акромя меня..все уже купили)))...ну а потом дёргать в обратную
Simultaneously with the sale of a 49% stake in the target companies a put option with fixed price and annual interest at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation plus 2% was granted to Gazprombank to sell the stake (in full or in part) in the target companies to the Group within three years following a five-year grace period or in case of a breach of conditions stipulated by such agreement. This allowed the Group to retain control over 100% of shares and therefore this transaction in fact represents a financial liability. Put options are signed by Yakutugol and Mecheltrans (sellers of the stakes in target companies) and are guaranteed by Mechel Mining and SKCC. If the Group fails to perform under these put options Gazprombank has the right to buy out (call option) the remaining stakes owned by the Group in the target companies and a 100% stake in Mechel Port Vanino. A 1.99% stake in each of the target companies is pledged in favor of Gazprombank as a security for the call option. For accounting for this financial liability see Note 11.4.
Simultaneously with the sale of a 49% stake in the target companies a put option with fixed price and annual interest at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation plus 2% was granted to Gazprombank to sell the stake (in full or in part) in the target companies to the Group within three years following a five-year grace period or in case of a breach of conditions stipulated by such agreement. This allowed the Group to retain control over 100% of shares and therefore this transaction in fact represents a financial liability. Put options are signed by Yakutugol and Mecheltrans (sellers of the stakes in target companies) and are guaranteed by Mechel Mining and SKCC. If the Group fails to perform under these put options Gazprombank has the right to buy out (call option) the remaining stakes owned by the Group in the target companies and a 100% stake in Mechel Port Vanino. A 1.99% stake in each of the target companies is pledged in favor of Gazprombank as a security for the call option. For accounting for this financial liability see Note 11.4.
Т.е. Зюзину вообще было не отказаться от предложенного опциона. Иначе у него выкупали бы слишком много.
Simultaneously with the sale of a 49% stake in the target companies a put option with fixed price and annual interest at the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation plus 2% was granted to Gazprombank to sell the stake (in full or in part) in the target companies to the Group within three years following a five-year grace period or in case of a breach of conditions stipulated by such agreement. This allowed the Group to retain control over 100% of shares and therefore this transaction in fact represents a financial liability. Put options are signed by Yakutugol and Mecheltrans (sellers of the stakes in target companies) and are guaranteed by Mechel Mining and SKCC. If the Group fails to perform under these put options Gazprombank has the right to buy out (call option) the remaining stakes owned by the Group in the target companies and a 100% stake in Mechel Port Vanino. A 1.99% stake in each of the target companies is pledged in favor of Gazprombank as a security for the call option. For accounting for this financial liability see Note 11.4.
Т.е. Зюзину вообще было не отказаться от предложенного опциона. Иначе у него выкупали бы слишком много.
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