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OPIS-Korea Pharmaceutical Research Institute leads the clinical trial of'Neovir'
ThelmaTerapeutics announced on the 24th that it has signed a three-party contract with'Korea Medicine Research Institute', a domestic institution, with'OPIS', the largest CRO (Contract Research Organization) company in Europe, to proceed with the global phase 3 of corona treatment.
It has been 4 days since it was announced on the 20th that it will be actively pursuing a phase 3 clinical trial of'Neovir', an immunotherapy drug in Italy, Russia and Korea.
'OPIS', which has signed the contract this time, is a representative clinical institution with about 1,300 clinical experiences across Europe and the United States, Japan, Russia, and China over the past 21 years. It is an institution that has gained international trust, reaching 550 cases with more than 40% of the phase 3 clinical experience. In addition, 260 clinical trials for infectious diseases, immune diseases, and respiratory diseases, accounting for 20% of them, are highly experienced in clinical trials for infectious diseases, and are evaluated as the best partner in the development of this corona treatment. .
Thelma is a domestic CRO that has specialized human resources such as preparing protocols and licensing for clinical trials, as well as bioequivalence tests, and has signed a joint contract with'Korea Pharmaceutical Research Institute', which is strengthening its capabilities as a global clinical institution. It is a strategy to accelerate the approval of IND for clinical trials.
Dr. In-Gyu Lee, head of Thelma's Clinical Development Division, said, "Through a three-party contract with OPIS and the Korea Institute of Medicine, we are preparing to verify Neovir, which is effective in enhancing immunity and treatment through regulation of Interferon expression in COVID-19 patients. "The global phase 3 will be launched first in Italy or Korea as the clinical trial protocol is already in the final stage."
"As of July, about 2746 clinical trials, including corona treatment and vaccines, are in progress worldwide, 37 of which are related to remdesivir, an Ebola treatment, and 470 are chloroquine and hydroxy, which are malaria treatments," said Dr. Although it is a clinical trial based on chloroquine, development of a product that has proven safety and efficacy should proceed quickly enough that 34 clinical trials have been stopped. “Antiviral efficacy has been verified in patients with DNA or RNA-based viral infections. "Neovir, an immunotherapy that is being prescribed to people, will gather company-wide capabilities to quickly resolve the COVID-19 pandemic to show the world the excellence and momentum of Korean biopharmaceutical companies."
Thelma decided to issue a paid-in capital increase of 1 billion won to a third party. Thelma announced on the 4th that it plans to use the bequest fund for the third phase of clinical trials related to the treatment of Corona 19. An official from Thelma explained, "As we have succeeded in attracting funds one after another, we are step by step preparing funds for the 3rd phase." He added, "There is no problem with funding power because we have already secured a large portion of the funds we need this year, which is about a third of the total funds." Thelma will secure about 4 billion won in funds over two months with this bequest. A Thelma official also said, "The schedule for phase 3 was delayed somewhat due to the request for additional data from the clinical agency," he said.
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