9249 new cases and 132 new deaths in the United States. New York Governor Cuomo says: [live streaming]
Peak number of cases is still 2 to 3 weeks away in New York "We've procured about 7,000 ventilators. We need, as a minimum, other 30,000 ventilators. This is a critical and desperate need for ventilators [..] We need them in 14 days. Fema is sending 400 ventilators only. Federal action is needed to address this now through the Federal Defense Production Act" "The numbers are higher in New York because it started here first, it has a lot of international travelers and has high density, but you will see this in cities all across the country, and in suburban communities. Where we are today, you'll be in 4 weeks or 6 weeks. Probably "hundreds of thousands of people" have already had Covid-19, didn't know they had it, and recovered. Should be tested for antibodies so they could go back to work and keep the economy going
9249 new cases and 132 new deaths in the United States. New York Governor Cuomo says: [live streaming]
Peak number of cases is still 2 to 3 weeks away in New York "We've procured about 7,000 ventilators. We need, as a minimum, other 30,000 ventilators. This is a critical and desperate need for ventilators [..] We need them in 14 days. Fema is sending 400 ventilators only. Federal action is needed to address this now through the Federal Defense Production Act" "The numbers are higher in New York because it started here first, it has a lot of international travelers and has high density, but you will see this in cities all across the country, and in suburban communities. Where we are today, you'll be in 4 weeks or 6 weeks. Probably "hundreds of thousands of people" have already had Covid-19, didn't know they had it, and recovered. Should be tested for antibodies so they could go back to work and keep the economy going
9249 new cases and 132 new deaths in the United States. New York Governor Cuomo says: [live streaming]
Peak number of cases is still 2 to 3 weeks away in New York "We've procured about 7,000 ventilators. We need, as a minimum, other 30,000 ventilators. This is a critical and desperate need for ventilators [..] We need them in 14 days. Fema is sending 400 ventilators only. Federal action is needed to address this now through the Federal Defense Production Act" "The numbers are higher in New York because it started here first, it has a lot of international travelers and has high density, but you will see this in cities all across the country, and in suburban communities. Where we are today, you'll be in 4 weeks or 6 weeks. Probably "hundreds of thousands of people" have already had Covid-19, didn't know they had it, and recovered. Should be tested for antibodies so they could go back to work and keep the economy going
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