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28.07.2011, 11:31

Брайен Сак о программах количественного смягчения (продолжение)

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Operational Success of LSAP2

Let me now switch from the policy objectives of the LSAP2 program to its implementation by the Desk. The FOMC set the broad parameters of the asset purchase program based in part on input from the Desk on our capacity to conduct operations and the market's capacity to absorb them. In particular, we wanted to complete the asset purchases in a timely manner, but we also wanted to ensure that the pace of purchases was not so rapid as to disrupt the functioning and liquidity of the Treasury market. In the end, I believe the program struck a good balance between these two considerations. I would like to recognize the staff on the Desk for their valuable input to the operational design of the program, as well as the effective implementation of the program over the last eight months.

Our presence in the market was sizable. Over the course of the program, our purchases ran at about the same pace as the total net Treasury supply coming to the market. Moreover, with the completion of the program, the SOMA portfolio holds about 18 percent of the outstanding stock of Treasury securities. Our share of the market is even higher at intermediate maturities, where our purchases were concentrated.

Брайен Сак признает, что во время программы объем покупок практически соответствовал объемам их выпуска Казначейством. В настоящий момент Федрезерв удерживает порядка 18% всего объема ценных бумаг Казначейства.

Part of the challenge to the Desk was to structure our operations in a manner that would allow the market to absorb such a large volume of purchases. Several features of the program's design may have helped to promote robust participation by market participants, including the decisions to relax the 35 percent limit on SOMA holdings of individual issues and to include recently issued securities in the range of eligible issues in nearly every operation. These features allowed our counterparties to offer us a wide range of securities at each operation. In the end, dealers participated aggressively, with an average offer-to-cover ratio of over 3.5. Moreover, we managed to execute these purchases at prices that were, on average, at or very near the indicative quotes on these securities that we collect as a pricing reference.

In addition to focusing on the performance of our operations, we have also monitored measures of liquidity in the Treasury market. The market seems to be functioning well despite our sizable presence. Measures such as bid-ask spreads, quote depth, and trading volumes have held relatively steady at favorable levels over the life of the program. Indeed, there are no signs that trading activity has been notably impaired for Treasury coupon securities, even in those issues for which our holdings are particularly high.7 Moreover, the market has not encountered any meaningful problems with delivery and settlement of Treasury securities.8

Lastly, I should note that the market seems to have adjusted fairly well so far to the end of the purchase program. The pace of the Desk's purchases fell back sharply at the end of June, as we moved from expanding the portfolio to simply reinvesting principal payments. In particular, our purchases slowed from an average pace of about $100 billion per month through June to an anticipated pace of about $15 billion per month going forward. We do not expect this adjustment to our purchases to produce significant upward pressure on interest rates or a tightening of broader financial conditions, given our view that the effects of the program arise primarily from the stock of our holdings rather than the flow of our purchases. While there has been considerable volatility in Treasury yields over the past several weeks, we attribute those movements primarily to incoming economic data and to broader risk events. However, we will continue to watch the markets and assess their adjustment to the end of the purchase program.

Брайен Сак не считает, что прекращение покупок вызовет рост процентных ставок. Он считает, что воздействие подобных программ прежде всего связано с размером SOMA, а не с самими покупками.

Он признает рост волатильности после прекращения программы, но считает, что это не связано с уходом Феда, а вызвано экономическими данными и прочими событиями.

И наконец самый важный раздел: Будущая эволюция портфеля SOMA

Future Evolution of the SOMA Portfolio

While I am sure you are happy to hear more about our actions to date, I realize that you may be even more interested in the evolution of the SOMA portfolio going forward. Just to be clear, I will not be saying anything about the likelihood of prospective policy actions beyond what has been conveyed in FOMC communications. However, I would like to make a few points about the portfolio under those prospective actions.

As noted earlier, the current directive from the FOMC is to reinvest principal payments on the securities we hold in order to maintain the level of domestic assets in the SOMA portfolio. This approach can be interpreted as keeping monetary policy on hold. Indeed, one can generally think of the stance of monetary policy in terms of two tools—the level of the federal funds rate, and the amount and type of assets held on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. The FOMC has decided to keep both of these tools basically unchanged for now.

Given the considerable amount of uncertainty about the course of the economy, market participants have observed that the next policy action by the FOMC could be in either direction. If economic developments lead the FOMC to seek additional policy accommodation, it has several policy options open to it that would involve the SOMA portfolio, as noted by Chairman Bernanke in his testimony last week. One option is to expand the balance sheet further through additional asset purchases, with the just-completed purchase program presenting one possible approach. Another option involves shifting the composition of the SOMA portfolio rather than expanding its size. As noted earlier, a sizable portion of the additional risk that the SOMA portfolio has assumed to date came from a lengthening of its maturity, suggesting that the composition of the portfolio can be used as an important variable for affecting the degree of policy stimulus. Lastly, the Chairman mentioned that the FOMC could give guidance on the likely path of its asset holdings, as the effect on financial conditions presumably depends on the period of time for which the assets are expected to be held.

В случае необходимости дальнейшего количественного смягчения у Феда есть два варианта. Первый – продолжить увеличение баланса путем дополнительных покупок облигаций. Второй – сдвиг в композиции портфеля вместо того, чтобы его увеличивать.

Как было отмечено ранее, значительная часть дополнительного риска связана с увеличением сроков погашения, а не с увеличением размера портфеля.

Таким образом Брайен Сак косвенно подтверждает высказанное не так давно предположение Билла Гросса, что следующая программа QE будет сосредоточена на покупке US Treasuries близких сроков погашения – 2-3 летних. Это как раз и будет способствовать изменению композиции портфеля.

Мне не совсем понятно, почему Сак так много говорит о риске, cвязанном с SOMA. Существует риск, что американское государство не расплатиться с Федом? Ну и что? Спишет он эти потери через какое-то время. Он же не обанкротиться в самом же деле. Ведь все эти операции всего лищь перекладывание из одного кармана в другой.

Далее Брайен Сак описывает, как может осуществляться выход из QE

Alternatively, economic developments could instead lead to a policy change in the direction of normalization. The FOMC minutes released last week provided valuable information on the sequence of steps that might be followed in that case. The minutes indicated that the removal of policy accommodation was expected to begin with a decision to stop reinvesting some or all of the principal payments on assets held in the SOMA. If all asset classes in the SOMA were allowed to run off, the portfolio would decline by about $250 billion per year on average over the first several years.

Under the interpretation of the policy stance noted earlier, this shrinkage of the balance sheet would amount to a tightening of policy.9 However, one should realize that this step represents a relatively gradual and limited policy tightening. Indeed, using the mapping that has been discussed by Chairman Bernanke, this path for the balance sheet would, in terms of its effects on the economy, be roughly equivalent to raising the federal funds rate by just over 25 basis point per year over the course of several years.

Если событиям будет позволено идти своим чередом, то портфолио будет снижаться на 250 млрд. долларов ежегодно в течение ближайших нескольких лет. Это, по мнению чиновников ФРС, это будет соответствовать повышению ставки федеральных фондов на 25 пунктов ежегодно.

The minutes also described asset sales as part of the strategy, indicating that this step would likely occur relatively late in the normalization process. From the perspective of the balance sheet and the stance of monetary policy, sales accomplish the same thing as redemptions, as they also shrink the balance sheet over time. The minutes indicated that such sales are likely to be gradual and predictable, which makes them even more similar in nature to redemptions.

Together, the combination of asset redemptions and asset sales, once underway, should put the size of the portfolio on a path to a more normal level over several years. Thus, they represent an important part of the normalization of the policy stance. However, if the approach follows the gradual and predictable path described by the minutes, one can think of this adjustment as a relatively passive part of the policy tightening. In these circumstances, adjustments to the federal funds rate would generally be the active policy instrument, responding as needed to economic developments.10

The sequence of policy steps described in the minutes indicates how the size of the SOMA portfolio is likely to be normalized. However, simply reducing the size of the portfolio would still leave its duration at historically elevated levels. The FOMC might decide it was happy with this outcome, or it could decide at some stage to renormalize the duration of the portfolio as well. Depending on the precise timing of the steps that will occur in the exit sequence, there will likely be opportunities to do so. For example, there is a good chance that the Desk will still be selling MBS at the time when the SOMA portfolio gets back to its normal size.11 In such circumstances, the Federal Reserve would have to then engage in sizable Treasury purchases to offset the ongoing sales of MBS and to expand the SOMA portfolio as needed to meet currency demand and other factors. This period of Treasury purchases would allow the FOMC to rebuild its Treasury portfolio with the maturity structure that it sees as optimal.

При уменьшении портфеля Фед очень вероятно будет заменять погашаемые MBS трежерями, а также будет проводить их покупки таким образом, чтобы изменить структуру сроков погашения US Treasuries в сторону уменьшения.

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