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Рыночные идеи, события, аналитика
14.09.2012, 15:27

Очень вероятна коррекция в ближайшие 3-4 дня

Слишком неоднозначная ситуация сложилась на рынке, и не получается написать полноценный вью рынка.

Независимо от дальнейшей динамики рынка, очень вероятна коррекция в ближайшие 3-4 дня.

Когда S&P500 вырывается за пределы обычной ленты Боллинджера (параметры =20,2), всегда следует коррекция или по меньшей мере консолидация.

То же самое касается индекса доллара. Я уже не раз отмечал это в своих статьях.

Индекс доллара, кстати, сейчас приближается к важным уровням.

Put/call-коэффициент и VIX имеют чрезвычайно бычьи значения.

Все это создает большую вероятность коррекции сегодня в американскую сессию.

Об этом пишет Кэтти Лин, проводя экскурс в историю.

Why Quantitative Easing May Not be So Bad for Dollar

The U.S. dollar fell sharply today following the Federal Reserve’s announcement of an open ended Quantitative Easing program. We have written at length about our assessment of the Fed’s decision, in our piece titled Fed Hits it Big with Open Ended QE. In our end of day note however, we want to look at how the dollar could perform going forward based on its reaction to QE1 and QE2. Interestingly enough, Quantitative Easing may not be so bad for the dollar. While there have only been 2 cases of QE, making our statistical sample completely unreliable, it is nonetheless interesting to look at how the dollar performed against the euro and Japanese Yen in the days, weeks and months that followed QE1 and QE2. When the central bank took the monumental step of announcing the first round of Quantitative Easing on November 25, 2008, the U.S. dollar fell against the euro (or EUR/USD rallied) and the Japanese Yen. The next day however, the dollar recovered and rallied for 4 straight trading days before collapsing hard against the euro. USD/JPY on the other hand took a longer time to recover. The currency pair lost 1000 pips in the 3 weeks that followed (falling from 97.40 to 87.20) before stabilizing and recovering all of those losses. By March or April of that year, USDJPY was trading higher but as we know now, the gains did not last.

When the Fed announced its second round of Quantitative Easing on November 3, 2010, the dollar also fell against the euro the day of the announcement but recovered the day after and began an 8% rally that lasted for the next month. In other words, QE2 created a short-term bottom for the U.S. dollar against the euro. The same price action was seen in USD/JPY, which also bottomed after the Fed made its announcement, rising approximately 6% over the next month. The one consistent reaction to QE1 and QE2 was in stocks, which soared after both rounds of Quantitative Easing.

The reason why the EUR/USD reacted more significantly to quantitative easing than USD/JPY is because at the time, the monetary policies of the U.S. and Eurozone were more divergent than the monetary policies of the U.S. and Japan. If we look a year forward, in both cases, the dollar was lower than where it was before Quantitative Easing. The main reason why Quantitative easing isn’t always bad for the dollar is because often times investors are relieved to receive more support from the central bank. QE2 was far more beneficial for the U.S. dollar than QE1 because it wasn’t a surprise. The market had been talking about it for weeks and investors had plenty of time to position for the announcement – classic sell the rumor and buy the news. This is not to say that this time around the dollar won’t remain weak. If Europe doesn’t give investors a reason to seek safety in the U.S. dollar, the EUR/USD could extend its gains. However losses in USD/JPY could be limited to 76, as investors grow weary of Bank of Japan intervention.

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