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26.04.2011, 17:47

Goldman Sachs о предстоящей прессконференции Бена Бернанке

Аналитики Goldman Sachs по традиции за день до заседания ФОМС дали свой прогноз будущих событий. Zero Hedge дает нам комментарии Andrew Tilton

Прессконференция уменьшит важность как заявления, так и минуток и создаст волатильную торговлю во время ее проведения.

Завтрашнее событие в целом:

  • Wednesday afternoon will mark a watershed in Federal Reserve communications strategy. Chairman Bernanke will give his first post-meeting press conference and the Federal Open Market Committee’s “central tendency” economic forecasts will be released at the same time (rather than three weeks later with the minutes, as has been the practice recently).
  • We expect 1) modest revisions to the FOMC’s forecasts to reflect recent news of softer Q1 growth and higher inflation, 2) reiteration of the intent to end QE2 in June, but an indication that reinvestment of maturing securities is likely to continue beyond that time, 3) a relatively dovish tone from Chairman Bernanke in the press conference, given the still-high level of unemployment and the many uncertainties in the growth outlook

Что ожидают эксперты GS в итоге:

1) умеренный пересмотр прогнозов ФОМС, который отражает последние данные о более слабом росте ВВП и более высокой инфляции

2) повторение намерения закончить QE2 в июне, но показ намерения вероятного продолжения реинвестирования за пределами этого срока

3) относительно «голубиный» тон высказываний Бернанке на прессконференции, исходя из все еще высокого уровня безработицы и наличия высокой неопределенности в прогнозах роста

Как будет проходить событие:

12:30pm – FOMC statement released. The Fed’s website gives the time as “around 12:30pm”, which will come as no surprise to Fed watchers used to twiddling their thumbs for several minutes after the scheduled release time. (Just to keep market participants on their toes, the statement does occasionally come out a minute or two before the scheduled time.)

2:15pm – Press conference begins. We expect Fed Chairman Bernanke to make an introductory statement which will feature the FOMC’s projections for growth, unemployment and inflation (but probably not the detailed distribution of these forecasts nor discussion of the staff’s forecasts). An article published today on the Wall Street Journal website (“Federal Reserve Irons Out Details of Post-Meeting Press Conference”, by Jon Hilsenrath) implied that any introduction is likely to be very short. According to the article, additional published information on the FOMC forecasts, along the lines of Table 1 in the Fed minutes from the January 25-26 meeting will be made available on the Fed website at this time. Assuming this is correct, it would imply that detailed information on the distribution of forecasts, and on the staff’s economic forecasts, would not be revealed until the publication of the minutes (though of course these subjects could surface during the question and answer session).

ca. 2:25pm – Question and answer session begins. This is a live session with journalists, who are likely to be well prepared with probing questions. The questions have not been submitted to the Fed in advance.

Sometime around 3pm or slightly after – Press conference ends. The typical length of an ECB press conference in recent years has been about 45 minutes, perhaps a little longer recently (see below). The aforementioned WSJ article suggested a similar length for the Fed’s first conference.

Прессконференция продлится примерно 45 минут или чуть больше (22.15-23.00 по Москве)

Три причины, по которым это событие очень важно для участников рынка

1) the information they will provide about the FOMC’s economic outlook, 2) communication of decisions regarding the asset purchase program (“QE2”), and 3) the novelty of the press conference format itself, which should provide at least some insight into the Fed Chairman’s thinking (although he will undoubtedly emphasize the views of the committee rather than his own).

GS видит очевидное и неочевидное значение прессконференции:


1) increase Fed Chairman Bernanke’s ability to control the message relative to the rest of the committee, as he becomes the first and premier interpreter of the Fed statement, 2) decrease the importance of the policy statement itself (on days when a press conference follows), as there is less reason to guess the meaning of vague phrases such as “somewhat weaker” when hard numbers on the FOMC forecasts are to follow, 3) potentially increase the market impact of the FOMC’s forecasts, as they will be timelier when first released, 4) decrease the importance of the minutes (again, following meetings with a press conference), since markets will already have both key details of the FOMC forecasts and color on the meeting discussion, 5) introduce more market volume and volatility during press conferences.

Уменьшит важность как заявления, так и минуток, создаст волатильную торговлю во время самой прессконференции.


1) reduce the likelihood of a dissent being initiated at the associated meeting, as these will be more likely to put the Chairman in an awkward position and will also be subject to his interpretation without opportunity for an immediate rejoinder by the dissenter, 2) reduce the market’s focus on speeches by other FOMC participants in the immediate aftermath of press conferences, with market interest increasing as the next scheduled press conference approaches, 3) alter the content or timing of speeches or other commentary by other FOMC participants, who might desire or be asked to comment on the Chairman’s interpretations, or alternatively take pains to avoid contradicting the Chairman’s statements from the press conference, 4) create considerable headline risk for future Fed Chairs, as they will conduct their first few press conferences without the extensive experience Bernanke now has with Congressional testimony and media interviews.

Подбор вопросов не будет осуществляться заранее.

Прессконференция несет определенный риск для Бернанке, поскольку ему до этого не приходилось участвовать в таких мероприятиях. Если он скажет что-то существенное, что не совпадает с заявлением (это маловероятно), то это может вызвать сильные движения на рынке.

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