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15.04.2011, 14:03

Греция опять взбудоражила всю Европу

Вчера днем было довольно сильное падение евро, которое, правда, во второй половине дня было выкуплено.

Оно было связано с заявлениями министра финансов Германии Вольфганга Шойбле по поводу Греции, которое участники рынка восприняли как угрозу реструктуризации долгов страны.

Вот что пишет о заявлении министра финансов Германии Блумберг:

April 14 (Bloomberg) -- German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Greece may have to seek debt restructuring if an audit in June questions its ability to pay creditors, Die Welt reported, citing an interview.

Greece would have to negotiate to ease its debt burden since creditors can’t be forced to take losses until Europe’s permanent rescue system for the euro starts up in mid-2013, the Berlin-based newspaper cited Schaeuble as saying in comments published today.

“We will have to do something” if the review by the International Monetary Fund and European authorities in June raises doubts about Greece’s “debt sustainability,” Schaeuble was quoted as saying. “Then, further measures will have to be taken.”

Вот как прокомментировал это заявление Gary Jenkins на Evolution Securities

Greek bonds are getting crushed today due to the comments from the German finance minister and the Greek equivalent. The ESM allows a roadmap towards restructuring, indeed it insists upon it if debt cannot be restored to a sustainable path. Whilst in the first instance any such restructuring from Greece may involve extension of maturities / coupon forgiveness ultimately we believe that if the idea is to get the debt back to a sustainable level then the target will be the Maastricht treaty limit of debt / gdp of 60%. In order to reach that level bonds will have to take a haircut of some 62%. Thus whilst the 10 year bonds have cheapened up considerable and now yield over 13% for the first time, the fact is that at a cash price of 64.6 they still have the potential to fall a long way...Whilst there is a step down in price once you get past the 13’s (on the basis that the latter would be expected to be more likely to be safe as they pre-date the ESM) one wonders if Greece will even get that far before they enter into “voluntary” discussions...

А это комментарий аналитиков BNP Paribas

The Greek restructuring story is somewhat puzzling, even resembling a Gordian knot. Credit markets traded nervously on Thursday, on concerns that a potential Greek debt restructuring could happen sooner rather than later. These were caused by German Finance Minister Schaeuble’s comments reported by Reuters. “In June we will get a progress report. I’m expecting a detailed analysis on the debt sustainability of Greece, that will be done in consultation with the Commission and the ECB. If this report concludes that there are doubts about the debt sustainability of Greece, something must be done about it.” As well as “until then [2013] a restructuring could only take place on a voluntary basis.”

Появились опасения, что реструктуризация долгов Греции произойдет уже летом этого года

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