Вчера в Чикаго выступил глава бюджетного комитета палаты представителей Пол Райан с речью: «Распределение дефицита в сравнении с возобновлением процветания» (Shared Scarcity versus Renewed Prosperity) Economic Club of Chicago Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Paul Ryan May 16, 2011 Об экономике и кризисе I’ll come to the point. Despite talk of a recovery, the economy is badly underperforming. Growth last quarter came in at just 1.8 percent. We’re not even creating enough jobs to employ new workers entering the job market, let alone the six million workers who lost their jobs during the recession. The rising cost of living is becoming a serious problem for many Americans. The Fed’s aggressive expansion of the money supply is clearly contributing to major increases in the cost of food and energy. An even bigger threat comes from the rapidly growing cost of health care, a problem made worse by the health care law enacted last year. Most troubling of all, the unsustainable trajectory of government spending is accelerating the nation toward a ruinous debt crisis. This crisis has been decades in the making. Republican administrations, including the last one, have failed to control spending. Democratic administrations, including the present one, have not been honest about the cost of the tax burden required to fund their expansive vision of government. And Congresses controlled by both parties have failed to confront our growing entitlement crisis. There is plenty of blame to go around. Years of ignoring the drivers of our debt have left our nation’s finances in dismal shape. In the coming years, our debt is projected to grow to more than three times the size of our entire economy. This trajectory is catastrophic. By the end of the decade, we will be spending 20 percent of our tax revenue simply paying interest on the debt – and that’s according to optimistic projections. If ratings agencies such as S&P move from downgrading our outlook to downgrading our credit, then interest rates will rise even higher, and debt service will cost trillions more. This course is not sustainable. That isn’t an opinion; it’s a mathematical certainty. If we continue down our current path, we are walking right into the most preventable crisis in our nation’s history. О бюджетных дебатах To an alarming degree, the budget debate has degenerated into a game of green-eyeshade arithmetic, with many in Washington – including the President – demanding that we trade ephemeral spending restraints for large, permanent tax increases. Как решить проблемы? First, we have to stop spending money we don’t have, and ultimately that means getting health care costs under control. Second, we have to restore common sense to the regulatory environment, so that regulations are fair, transparent, and do not inflict undue uncertainty on America’s employers. Third, we have to keep taxes low and end the year-by-year approach to tax rates, so that job creators have incentives to invest in America; and Fourth, we have to refocus the Federal Reserve on price stability, instead of using monetary stimulus to bail out Washington’s failures, because businesses and families need sound money. Finally, the fourth foundation calls for rules-based monetary policy to protect working families and seniors from the threat of high inflation. По поводу Феда The Fed’s recent departures from rules-based monetary policy have increased economic uncertainty and endangered the central bank’s independence. Advocates of these aggressive interventions cite the “maximum employment” aspect of the Fed’s dual mandate – its other mandate being price stability. Congress should end the Fed’s dual mandate and task the central bank instead with the single goal of long-run price stability. The Fed should also explicitly publish and follow a monetary rule as its means to achieve this goal. Пол Райан предлагает удалить фунцию занятости из дуального мандата Феда, и оставить только функцию долгосрочной ценовой стабильности, как это имеет место быть у ЕЦБ и большинства других центральных банков.