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Chessplayer 14.06.2011, 11:55

Чрезвычайная встреча министров финансов ЕС 14 июня 2011 года

Сейчас, когда Германия и ЕЦБ находятся на полярных позициях, никто в Европе не знает, как будет выглядеть план помощи Греции. По сообщению Financial Times, сегодня должна состояться чрезвычайная и секретная встреча министров финансов еврозоны ( даже место встречи пока неизвестно), на котором будет обсуждаться выход из тупика, в котором оказался этот вопрос.

iMarketNews пишет по этому поводу:

FRANKFURT (MNI) - The finance ministers of Europe will hold an emergency conclave Tuesday to try and resolve disagreements over a new rescue package for Greece whose cost is estimated at around E85 billion through 2014, the Financial Times reported late Monday.

Without naming sources, the paper reported that senior officials had told it that the bailout is threatened by the divergent views of the German government and the European Central Bank with respect to the role of private investors.

The Eurogroup of Eurozone finance ministers would meet in the afternoon, the paper said without specifying where this would take place, followed by an evening gathering of the Ecofin, which includes all 27 national finance ministers of the European Union.

"We need to clarify some basic choices," the paper quoted a source as saying. "We may well have to work on the basis of several options, but we'll narrow down the options in any case so that we have a more meaningful way to move forward."

Цель – как-то сблизить позиции германского правительства и ЕЦБ

The crux of the disagreement is the ECB's opposition to Germany's desire to induce current holders of Greek debt to accept a swap of old bonds for new bonds with a later maturity date. ECB officials believe this would be tantamount to a default.

Wary of possible market turbulence under such a scenario, the ECB, backed by France, would prefer a debt rollover under which bondholders would voluntarily buy new bonds with a later maturity date as existing holdings come due over the next three years.

The solution to the impasse will determine the source of the E85 billion of additional funds still expected to be needed by Greece through 2014 on top of E30 billion it hopes to net from privatization of state assets and E57 billion in disbursements from the current bailout package.

The FT reported that Germany think E30 billion could come from its proposed debt swap scheme, leaving E55 billion to be financed by loans from Greece's EU partners and the IMF.

The paper further quoted the unnamed official as remarking that "it is not in anybody's interest to let this confrontation between Germany and the ECB continue until the European Council" on June 23, which is the final deadline for a decision.

"I think it's more likely to be rollover," said the source, according to the FT. "There's even quite a clear majority between the member states towards that option. The ECB has hardened its position, so now the question is can the Germans somehow show some flexibility."

Германия предлагает заставить нынешних держателей греческих бондов совершить обмен старых бондов на новые с более поздним сроком погашения, но официальные лица из ЕЦБ утверждают, что это будет эквивалентно дефолту. ЕЦБ, поддерживаемый Францией, предлагают сделать такой обмен добровольным.

Большинство стран-членов ЕС поддерживает пролонгацию ( позицию Германии), но ЕЦБ непреклонен (слишком много денег ему должна Греция и другие страны PIIGS). Участники переговоров не хотят оставлять этот вопрос до заседания Европейского Совета, которое состоится 23 июня; это крайний срок для решения вопроса о Греции.

Мое мнение: сегодня-завтра возможны резкие движения рынков, если на переговорах будет достигнуто какое-то соглашение.

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