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deS ≠ 0 03.05.2018, 18:23

Перечень претензий США к Китаю. вкратце


The American people can see China’s malevolent economic behavior most clearly in its theft of our intellectual property. Chinese theft of American IP alone costs the United States nearly $600 billion annually, eclipsing the combined profits of the top 50 companies on last year’s Fortune 500 list.

Stealing American IP, in turn, advances Beijing’s “Made in China 2025” initiative to eventually dominate global exports in 10 critical sectors — namely, artificial intelligence and next-generation information technology, robotics, new-energy vehicles, biotechnology, energy and power generation, aerospace, high-tech shipping, advanced railway, new materials, and agricultural machinery. These targets reveal China’s goal for the near-total displacement of advanced U.S. manufacturing.

The United States can no longer afford to blindly accept the Chinese economic grand bargain.

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