
Как не проспать начало новой великой депрессии?

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04.01.2020 20:22

Ghana to join Eco, future common currency for West Africa
Ghana is ready to give up its currency, the cedi, to join Eco, the name of the new West African common currency, which is to replace the CFA franc at the end of 2020.

Updated 01/03/2020 | 12:18
published on 01/03/2020 | 12:18

Ghana, which has been beating its own currency since 1958, intends to quickly join the future "Eco" monetary zone, which will replace the CFA franc. "We in Ghana are determined to do everything we can to join the members of Uemoa (The West African Monetary Economic Union Editor's note), quickly, in using the Eco, which we believe, will help us to remove trade and monetary barriers , " said Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo.

Uemoa currently brings together 8 countries with the CFA franc in common : Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. But the CFA zone wants to expand to other economies in the region to speed up economic exchanges.

On the way to Eco
The West African Monetary Economic Union and France signed an agreement on December 21, 2019 for an in-depth reform of the CFA franc . Initially, the Eco will remain pegged to the euro, Paris will ensure its parity with the European currency. A measure that will give confidence in the new currency pending its full independence.

Before the end of 2020, the CFA franc should become the "Eco", which will ultimately be the future single currency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). To the 8 countries of the CFA zone could be added Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cape Verde. Until the Nigerian economic giant ...

Ghana, ahead of the Ivory Coast
Producer of cocoa, bauxite, gold and petroleum , Ghana is currently the second economy of the region behind Nigeria, but ahead of Côte d'Ivoire. Accra sees in Eco the opportunity to eliminate trade and monetary barriers and to increase economic exchanges in the sub-region.

However, the Ghanaian authorities urged members of the monetary union to abandon fixed parity with the euro and adopt "a flexible exchange rate regime" . Parity with the euro, if it can give confidence in the new currency, has the defect of being a strong currency, which risks undermining the competitiveness of the economies of the region.

But monetary instability is also a concern. In recent years, the cedi has been under pressure. It has fallen to its lowest level in recent weeks, due to the large budget deficit and the deepening of the debt.

Waiting for Nigeria ?
If this desire to adopt the Eco were to materialize , Ghana would become the leading economy in the Eco zone, ahead of Côte d'Ivoire. While waiting for Nigeria, the region's real economic heavyweight, to join it in turn. This is a completely different question, since Nigeria alone represents more than 60% of the economy of the 16 countries in the region. Suffice to say that if this state abandons the naira for the Eco, the oil giant would risk becoming the boss of the future monetary zone.
04.01.2020 20:36
WATCH: Hydrogen-powered drones could point way to future air travel

H2Go Power seeks to power drones with a 'happy gas'

By Pauline Mason
Technology reporter
3 January 2020

When you think about hydrogen and flight, the image that comes to mind for most is the Hindenburg airship in flames.

But in a lab deep in the basement of Imperial College in London, a young team has built what it believes is the future of air travel.

H2Go Power is seeking a patent to store the explosive gas cheaply and safely.

Until now, storing hydrogen required ultra-strong and large tanks which could withstand pressures of up to 10,000 pound-force per square inch (psi). That is hundreds of times greater than what you would find in a car tyre.

But, while studying for her PhD in Cambridge, Dr Enass Abo-Hamed came up with a revolutionary structure which could store hydrogen as a stable solid without compression.

"The pressure involved is similar to what you'd get in a coffee machine," she says.

The university paired her with materials scientist, Luke Sperrin, to try to find commercial applications for the innovation - and H2Go Power was born.

Test flight

Dr Sperrin is now chief technology officer. He and Dr Abo-Hamed formed a partnership with Canadian hydrogen fuel cell maker Ballard a year ago to create a drone which used their reactor to safely store hydrogen for flight.

Finally, after months of collaboration by phone and email, Mr Sperrin and chief product developer Peter Italiano flew to Boston for a ground-breaking test flight.

"Of course you need really good weather to fly a drone," smiles Mr Sperrin.

"And it poured with rain for the first few days. We weren't even sure whether we'd even be able to go ahead.

"So when it did fly, it was a huge relief."

How it works

The aluminium reactor weighs less than a bag of sugar.

The small gas cylinder has an intricate network of 3D-printed aluminium tubes inside.

The hydrogen remains stable and solid in these structures until "coolant" is pumped through the tubes, warming them and releasing hydrogen gas to the drone's fuel cell

Hydrogen (H2) is pumped into one side of the fuel cell through a catalyst which frees electrons, creating electricity.

Oxygen (O) is then pumped into the other side of the fuel cell and combines with the left over, positively-charged hydrogen atoms (H+).

The only final waste product is water vapour (H2O).

Never-ending supply

Until recently, a major hurdle to affordable hydrogen technologies was the cost of producing hydrogen gas.

Splitting water molecules into hydrogen used a lot of energy which usually came from fossil fuel sources.

However, the widespread availability of renewable energy and improvements in electrolysis - the chemical process of separating elements using electricity - have brought down the financial and environmental cost of producing hydrogen for fuel.

Currently most countries have strict safety rules about flying drones over heavily populated areas.

Collision or technical failure could cause a drone to drop out of the sky.

Lithium-ion (Li-on) batteries are highly flammable, so a crash landing could trigger an explosion.

But, Dr Abo-Hamed points out, even if their drone fell out of the sky, the hydrogen would remain stable in its solid form inside the reactor.

Super fuel

"Hydrogen is a happy gas," continues Dr Abo-Hamed. "It wants to move around."

That's what makes it so explosive. But, it also delivers more bang for your buck.

Hydrogen generates three times as much power per kilogram compared to fossil fuels - approximately 39.0 Kilowatt hours per kilogram compared with roughly 13 KWh per kg for kerosene or petrol or just 0.2 KhW for conventional lithium ion batteries.

That means a hydrogen-powered drone can fly further than a battery-powered drone and, potentially, carry heavier loads.

Dr Abo-Hamed is excited about the possibilities for her innovation.

"So if drones could stay longer in the sky, they can deliver medicine," she says. "Or scan a disaster area and send the information back.

"My dream really is not just to make drones.

"Maybe in the next twenty or thirty years we could de-carbonise air travel, which is something really important for our climate."
04.01.2020 20:45

2020 PREVIEW: Factors driving the US hot-rolled coil market
Fastmarkets takes a look at what to watch out for in the hot-rolled coil market in the United States in 2020 after another year of volatility and surprises in 2019.

Muyao Shen
January 03, 2020


While trade concerns remain, market fundamentals are and should continue to be the main drivers of price changes, according to both industry experts and market participants.
“The thing needed to turn steel around would be infrastructure spending or [an] increase in either oil and gas or automotive,” one Mid-Atlantic service center source said, commenting on steel demand in 2019.
Sources shared mixed demand forecasts for 2020. Some expect major end-user sectors including oil and gas, automotive, agriculture and manufacturing to improve from 2019, but others predict further softness.
The US rig count has fallen by roughly 25% year on year, according to Baker Hughes, while the number of drilled-but-uncompleted wells (DUCs) has set record highs this year, according to the US Energy Information Administration.
On the automotive front, some warned about any lagging impact from the United Automotive Workers union strike at General Motors facilities in the US, which took place over six weeks in September and October.
“The GM strike had a pretty large ripple effect through the economy,” Gibbs said during the interview with Fastmarkets. “It didn’t just affect our automotive OEM [original equipment manufacturer] customers [but] the entire chain that feeds into that. That was a long strike.”
Still, Gibbs did predict some strength in the non-residential construction sector, as well as the industrial and appliance markets.
“You put everything together and you've kind of got a stable year for [steel] demand,” Gibbs said.


After domestic steel producers announced several sheet expansions in 2018, boosting US flat-rolled capacity by up to 16.5 million short tons per year through 2022, concerns about overcapacity emerged.
“We would welcome some announcement and some rationalization of capacity because until that happens, the prices are [going to] continue to drop,” one Midwest service center source said. “It doesn’t matter what the cost is until you stop producing, the prices are [going] lower.”
One steelmaker in particular has taken action to adjust its output: U.S. Steel.
The integrated steel producer announced on December 6 that it will take a 48-day outage at the No4 blast furnace at its Gary Works in northwest Indiana in the second quarter of 2020. The company previously idled the B2 blast furnace at its Great Lakes Works and a blast furnace at its Gary Works facility.
Market participants have been speculating for months about the potential for additional idlings by the Pittsburgh-based steel producer at its Great Lakes Works or Granite City facilities - especially after U.S. Steel acquired a 49.9% stake in Big River Steel in October, giving the company more exposure to the electric-arc furnace (EAF) production process.
“[U.S. Steel] wants to own Big River Steel, the entirety of it. That's their number one priority,” Gibbs said. “And they've also told you that they're not making any reinvestment in Granite City and Great Lakes. So I don't think it's unreasonable to suspect that those assets will be diminished over time as they focus on Big River, Gary Works and Mon Valley.”
04.01.2020 20:52
Photography is by Hufton + Crow

Zaha Hadid Architects completes Leeza Soho skyscraper with world's tallest atrium

Lizzie Crook | 20 November 2019

The 45-storey Leeza Soho skyscraper, designed by the late Zaha Hadid in Beijing, China, contains the world's tallest atrium twisting through its centre.
04.01.2020 20:59
Олег Q
5 days ago
Как тебе, такое Илон Маск)

/// Андрей
1 day ago
Deutsche: Der Rahmen ist verzogen. Das Auto ist Totalschaden!
Arthur: Hold my vodka

See this heavily damaged Tesla Model S get a shocking repair job

Tesla Model S. Body repair. Ремонт кузова.

Arthur tussik
Dec 29, 2019

In this video: The front end and left side repair. The front rails replacement, the left quarter panel repair. Work with aluminium.
В этом видео: Ремонт переда и левой стороны. Замена передних лонжеронов, ремонт заднего крыла. Работа с алюминием.
04.01.2020 21:18
а какое отношение это все имеет к депрессии, что-то не улавливаю?
04.01.2020 21:39
а какое отношение это все имеет к депрессии, что-то не улавливаю?
Биографы очень неохотно пишут об этом эксперименте великого Николы Теслы, хотя есть немало свидетелей, газет и даже документов, подтверждающих то, что в 1931 году, в Баффало гений механики и электрики переоборудовал обычный автомобиль с ДВС, превратив его в весьма эффективный электромобиль.

Потому что Никола Тесла как раз в великую депрессию над электромобилями работал)))
Это знак явно!!!
04.01.2020 21:54
а какое отношение это все имеет к депрессии, что-то не улавливаю?
Биографы очень неохотно пишут об этом эксперименте великого Николы Теслы, хотя есть немало свидетелей, газет и даже документов, подтверждающих то, что в 1931 году, в Баффало гений механики и электрики переоборудовал обычный автомобиль с ДВС, превратив его в весьма эффективный электромобиль.

Потому что Никола Тесла как раз в великую депрессию над электромобилями работал)))
Это знак явно!!!

Если правда.))
04.01.2020 21:55

Funen scrap business has recycled for 159 years: - Today the world knows it needs us

- We have been running circular economics for 159 years, today the world knows that it needs us, says the owner of the scrap company HJ Hansen, who has over 400 different types of metal lying in small and large piles on a large plot of land on the Odense Canal.

Jan 03 2020 at 16:00
Jesper Beenfeldt Nielsen

Odense: Immediately it is a simple matter to recycle metal - iron in one pile, aluminum in the other, brass in the third and so on.

But it doesn't look that easy when you visit the large area of ​​HJ Hansen Recycling Industry on Havnegade by the Odense Canal. Here there is not one but really many piles of aluminum. For example, for some purposes it is really good to add some magnesium to aluminum, while others need aluminum with added silicon, and if you can keep the two types separate instead of mixing them, the value of the scrap heap will increase sharply.

That's why the company has a total of about 500 part numbers on the program - and almost as many different piles lying on its land, with half a million tons of scrap passing through each year.

- The recycling tank is popular today and it sounds simple. But if it is to work properly, you need to know a lot about it, and we do that after 150 years in the industry. With the increasing focus on climate and the environment, our company is strategically placed. There are some challenges with high taxes and troubled world economy, but I'm far more optimistic today than a year ago, says Jens Hempel-Hansen, who owns the company with his father, Hans Erik Hempel-Hansen.

Shiploads of iron scrap

He points around the piles of scrap and explains where the different types of metal originate. The easiest sorts come from factories such as clippings and scraps, while the most complicated ones, for example, are cars and other products made up of a wealth of different materials.

The last type comes in the huge shredder that chops and shreds everything, so it can be sorted automatically afterwards. The machine is the largest in Northern Europe, and it ensures, for example, about 87 percent of a car is recycled while the rest goes to incineration and landfill.

Both the shredder and the company's transport device help to position it favorably. From the 10 branches in Denmark and Sweden, the scrap is sailed all the way to the main plant in Odense. And from the nearby Lindø port, the sorted iron scrap is transported in large loads of 25,000-30,000 tonnes several times a month to steel mills especially in Turkey.

- We work a lot with the courses on the various metals that are set on the London Stock Exchange, but this is something quite different from trading in securities. Logistics and transport are crucial in the scrap industry, and this is where money can be lost and made a lot of money, which is why our very special ship transport solutions are very important, says CEO Mogens Bach Christensen.
04.01.2020 21:57

Iron climate protection: savings and recycling potential of the metal industry

Steel and aluminum manufacturers produce around 30 percent of the greenhouse gases that industrial companies release worldwide. "We have to reduce these industrial CO2 emissions," says Dierk Raabe, director at the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf. "And the metal industry can make a significant contribution to this." Because it has numerous options for making metal materials more recyclable and climate-friendly.

In order to reduce CO2 emissions during production, the industry has to increase the proportion of scrap that it recycles, among other things. The resulting lower energy consumption is particularly relevant for waste that is generated in the production of the metal industry itself; these are large quantities that can be separated by type. In addition, companies could try to reduce the significant losses they incur. For example, the waste of molten aluminum is 40 percent, that of steel is still 25 percent. During processing, CO2-neutral processes should increasingly be used in order to electrolytically reduce the respective ores with regeneratively generated electricity or possibly with the help of regeneratively generated hydrogen to the corresponding metals. In order to increase the proportion of recycled metal, scrap should be sorted better. Because an alloy only fulfills its task if it is not too heavily contaminated. Therefore, recycling companies need complex techniques with which they can identify, separate, clean and shred metal mixtures. Before these processes are perfected and competitive, research for the metal industry could develop alloys whose properties are not significantly affected by impurities. can clean and shred.

Standard alloy instead of mixed alloys

Sustainable design also improves recycling opportunities. Because a decreasing number of alloys that differ chemically makes it easier to separate and recycle metal scrap. Efforts to compose crossover or unit alloys aim in a similar direction: Such material mixtures should be able to perform various tasks for which specialized materials have so far been developed. Dierk Raabe: “So far, alloys have been optimized for one-time use; In future, we will have to take recyclability into account more and more when designing the composition and properties. ”There are therefore attempts to reduce the number of alloys and to develop a kind of“ single alloy ”: with easier sorting and better recycling.

Savings can also be achieved if the design and construction of materials and components are optimized for the respective area of ​​application. By changing the composition, but also the micro- and nanostructure, the strength of the materials can be increased, their density reduced or their resistance to high temperatures increased. 3D printing in particular creates new opportunities here.

Improve corrosion protection

Another way of reducing material, energy and emissions is to continue using metals elsewhere without melting them down, and thus to produce the same component again. But more durable metals also conserve resources because they have to be replaced less with new ones. Corrosion protection plays an important role here: as a brake against conventional rust or other forms of electrochemical corrosion, through wear and tear due to heavy mechanical stress and even embrittlement by hydrogen. For example, the industry is already protecting metals with sacrificial anodes from electrochemical decomposition. Materials scientists are also looking for alloys that heal cracks and other damage by changing their microstructure, or develop coatings,

Switch to direct reduction in the medium term

Dierk Raabe is critical of the use of hydrogen. Firstly, because the investment costs, even for individual sub-companies of integrated steelworks and aluminum smelters - for example for the replacement of coke, coal, but also biomass or plastic waste - are so high that industry cannot afford them. The entire switchover to hydrogen-based processes is estimated to take ten to twelve years and the price increase is estimated at 30 percent - without the CO2 price being priced in. In the medium term, production could be switched to direct reduction, whereby granular oxide pellets from mines are put into a furnace as solid after the ore processing and converted directly with methane - a process that has long been practiced in countries with inexpensive methane production.

Create incentives for scrap cycles

In order to ensure and promote this, legislative measures such as subsidies or bans should be analyzed over entire life cycles when making political decisions. It is still much cheaper for many companies to buy new material on the market instead of building closed scrap cycles. Raabe: "Creating tax incentives for separate scrap cycles at an early stage would do much more than just collect coffee capsules or chocolate paper that we as consumers produce."

There is also a need for research to explore how little pure a material has to be in order to increase the proportion of scrap in production. For example, the construction industry uses aluminum alloys for roof tiles, cladding, load-bearing elements or elevators, which are related to the aluminum-manganese alloy of beverage cans. Can scrap can also be used for construction.

A detailed article on the subject was published at .

(EU recycling 01/2020, page 40, photo: Marc Weigert)
04.01.2020 22:01
Но что-то перебор уже, нет?

впрочем, читать никто не заставляет.
05.01.2020 07:51
"Газпром" в 2019 г увеличил добычу газа на 0,5%, до 500,3 млрд кубов - Миллер/ 02.01.2020 17:51:10

МОСКВА, 2 янв /ПРАЙМ/. Добыча "Газпрома"<GAZP> в 2019 году выросла на 0,5% по сравнению с 2018 годом и составила 500,3 миллиарда кубометров газа, сообщил журналистам председатель правления компании Алексей Миллер.

"В 2019 году "Газпром" вновь продемонстрировал сильные показатели. Оперативные данные по добыче и поставкам следующие. Компания добыла 500,3 миллиарда кубометров газа. Это лучший результат за последние восемь лет (с 2012 года). Он на 2,7 миллиарда кубометров или на 0,5% выше уровня 2018 года", - сообщил Миллер.
05.01.2020 11:00
QMA’s Global Multi-Asset Solutions Group

January 2020

Within equity markets, we foresee better returns outside the US and expect non-US stocks to outperform the US after a decade of underperformance. We look for cyclical stocks to outperform defensive stocks and for value to outperform growth.
We remain overweight stocks versus bonds in our multi-assetclass portfolios. We expect dollar weakness in 2020, as global growth picks up. Confirmation of that trend would cause us to add some exposure to commodity futures and to reduce cash.
2019 was a fantastic year for financial markets, as we experienced robust returns across most asset classes (Chart 6). A 60/40 balanced portfolio posted a 20% return for the first time since the late
1990s. The year’s stellar gains for global stocks were driven entirely by valuation expansion, as S&P 500 companies grew earnings by just 1%, while international developed market and emerging market equities saw declines of 3% and 8%, respectively. The key driver of multiple expansion was the sharp pivot from tightening to easing on the part of the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and other global central banks during the year.

Top Picks from Canaccord Genuity Research
Canadian Equity Research

16 December 2019

EPRA Global REIT Survey 2019
A comparison of the major REIT regimes around the world.
05.01.2020 11:25
January 5, 2020

The US President announced that the Phase 1 of the trade deal with
China would be signed on 15th January-20 at the White House. (Source:
Wall Street Journal)

As per the minutes of the US Federal Reserve’s 10th -11th December19 policy meeting, policymakers agreed that interest rates were likely
to stay on hold for some time. (Source: Reuters)

ECB policy maker, Pablo Hernandez de Cos said that ECB’s past and
current monetary stimulus is expected to add around 2.5% points to
region’s GDP growth from 2016-21. (Source: Bloomberg)

UK’s Finance Minister said that the national minimum wage will
increase by over 6.2% from April-20 to GBP 8.7 (USD 11.4) an hour,
offering an extra GBP 930 (USD 1,219.8) annually. (Source: Reuters)

China's central bank will reduce banks' RRR by 50 bps to 12.5%
effective 6th January-20, releasing CNY 800.0bn (USD 114.9bn) of
liquidity to accelerate the economy. (Source: Nasdaq)

India planned to spend USD 1.5tn to build infrastructure over the next
five years to shore up economic growth, including existing projects in
the energy, road and railway sectors in the pipeline. (Source: Bloomberg)

Turkey's central bank raised its reserve requirement ratios on foreign
currency deposits and participation funds by 200 bps, to withdraw
USD 2.9bn of forex liquidity from the market. (Source: Ahval News)
05.01.2020 12:09
А вот такой вопрос: Какие страны меньше все го пострадали от последствий великой депрессии?
Так-то вообще-то она же именно в Штатах была. С другой стороны почему-то голодомор в России и в Штатах совпали по времени.
05.01.2020 13:03

FTSE 100 posts 12% gain for 2019 after strong year for market – as it happened

Graeme Wearden
Tue 31 Dec 2019 16.46 GMTFirst published on Tue 31 Dec 2019 08.26 GMT

How the markets performed in 2019

With European investors now heading off for the New Year celebrations, we can take a look at how markets around the world fared in 2019.

MSCI World Index: up 24%
UK FTSE 100: up 12%
Europe-wide Stoxx 600: up 23%
China’s CSI 300: up 36%
Japan’s Nikkei: up 18%
US Nasdaq: up 35% (still trading today)
US S&P 500: up 28% (still trading today)

So, a sparkling year -- including the biggest jump in global stocks since 2009.

But some of this rally is a recovery from the slump in autumn 2018. Plus, 2020 could derail the rally if we see renewed trade tensions, a global slowdown, or new Brexit worries.

That’s probably all for me for this year (although I might pop back with the Wall Street close, if I can be dragged away from New Year festivities).

Very best wishes for 2020 from us all here. See you next year! GW


Newsflash: European stock markets have now all closed for the year.

This leaves the Stoxx 600 index of leading EU companies up 23% for 2019, underlining what a strong year it has been.

France’s CAC ended the day very slightly lower, while Amsterdam’s AEX index dipped by 0.2%.


2019 was a particularly strong year for US tech companies, although every sector did pretty well.

These charts from Bloomberg show how technology outpaced the rest of the market, while energy firms lagged behind.

FTSE 100 index ends 2019 up 12%

Newsflash: Britain’s stock market has just posted its best annual performance in three years, despite stumbling over the line today.

The FTSE 100 index of top UK-listed shares has closed at 7,542 points. That’s a 12.1% gain for the year, as it ended 2018 at just 6728.

But the rally ended with a whimper. The FTSE 100 ended the last, shortened, trading day down 44 points or 0.6%. That’s its second daily fall in a row, following 11 days of rising prices in the aftermath of Boris Johnson’s election win.

Trading was very light today, with many investors already wrapped up for the year. There have also been signs of profit-taking in recent days, after global markets enjoyed their best year in a decade.

Athletics fashion chain JD Sports was the top riser in London, gaining 140% in the last 12 months as it continues to defy the high street crisis.

Housebuilders also had a good year, with Barratt and Taylor Wimpey both gaining 50%.

David Madden of CMC Markets says the construction industry should benefit from the resolution of the Brexit crisis, although there are still uncertainties ahead:

The solid win by the Conservative party in the recent general election helped drive up the share price of the house builders, but there has been a new development on the Brexit front. Judging by the plans Prime Minister Johnson has, a no-deal Brexit after the transition period at the end of 2020 might be an option, so uncertainty could continue to hang over the housing industry in 2020.

There has been a belief in certain sections of the City that investment has been delayed because of Brexit, so we could see more of that. On the plus slide for the housing market, the Bank of England are unlikely to hike rates until Brexit has been wrapped up.


Stocks had a great year in 2019, but if you’re a FTSE 100 investor you may be disappointed. Here’s why

Edward Sheldon, CFA | Thursday, 2nd January, 2020

After a poor 2018, global stock markets, as a whole, produced strong gains in 2019. On the back of more accommodative monetary policy from major central banks across the world, and optimism that the trade war situation may finally be resolved, stocks had one of their best years since the Global Financial Crisis.

That said, if you only own FTSE 100 stocks (as I’m sure many UK investors do due to what’s known as ‘home bias’), you may be a bit disappointed by last year’s performance. You see, in 2019, the FTSE 100 produced a return of just 12% plus dividends, which compared to the returns of other major stock market indices such as the S&P 500 (29% plus dividends) and the STOXX Europe 600 (23% plus dividends), is actually quite low.

So why did the FTSE 100 produce such underwhelming returns compared to other stock market indices last year?


One of the main reasons the FTSE 100 underperformed last year is that many of the companies that have large weightings in the index are struggling for growth right now and this is reflected in their share price performances.

For example, some of the largest holdings in the Footsie are the oil majors Royal Dutch Shell and BP, and global bank HSBC. Together, these three companies make up a large chunk of the index. Now, last year, the share prices of all three of these companies ended lower than they started. That will have created a huge drag on the index.

By contrast, the largest holdings in the S&P 500 index include the likes of Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. These three companies are all growing at a rapid rate and this is reflected in their share prices. Last year, Apple shares rose nearly 90% (Warren Buffett will be happy as it’s his top stock), while Microsoft and Amazon shares rose around 55% and 23% respectively. It’s these kind of strong performances that will have turbocharged the main US index.

Brexit uncertainty

Of course, Brexit will have also impacted the FTSE 100’s returns throughout the year. Despite the fact that many companies in the index are multinationals that generate a significant proportion of their revenues internationally, many global investors will have steered clear of UK equities due to the high level of economic and political uncertainty here in the UK.

Home bias can hurt your returns

Ultimately, the FTSE 100’s poor performance last year shows how important it is to avoid home bias, and diversify your portfolio properly.

If you only owned a FTSE 100 tracker fund, or a handful of FTSE 100 stocks last year, your overall returns would have been quite underwhelming. However, had you owned a diversified portfolio that included exposure to international equities last year, chances are, your returns would have been far more impressive.

Having a strong home bias is one of the biggest mistakes that investors make. If you’re reviewing your portfolio as we start the new year, now’s a good time to make sure you’re fully diversified.
05.01.2020 13:32
5 января, 11:46

Разработана самая эффективная в мире литий-серная батарея

Исследователи из университета Монаша в Австралии находятся на пороге коммерческого внедрения самой эффективной в мире литий-серной (Li-S) батареи. Она сможет превзойти лучшие современные аккумуляторы в 4 раза.

Доктор Махдокхт Шаибани с Факультета Машиностроения и Аэрокосмической Техники этого университета возглавлял международную команду исследователей. Они разработали батарею Li-S высокой ёмкости, которая превосходит современные литий-ионные аккумуляторы и меньше загрязняет окружающую среду.

Разработчики получили патент на свой производственный процесс. Прототипы ячеек были успешно созданы в Германии.

Некоторые крупнейшие в мире производители ионных батарей в Китае и Европе проявили интерес к этой разработке. Очередные тесты пройдут в Австралии в начале нынешнего года.

Разработка была названа выдающимся техническим достижением австралийской промышленности. Она может преобразовать смартфоны, автомобили, компьютеры и солнечные панели будущего. Кроме того, энергетика может стать более экологически чистой.

Исследовательская команда получила от правительства и международных партнёров более чем $2,5 млн. Эти деньги пойдут на тесты батарей в автомобилях и солнечных панелях.

Используя те же материалы, что и в обычных литий-ионных батареях, учёные изменили дизайн катодов, выполнив их из серы. В результате они могут выдержать большую нагрузку без уменьшения ёмкости и производительности.

Применяя уникальную архитектуру, которая впервые была задействована при производстве стиральных порошков ещё в 1970-х годах, исследователи создали связи между частицами для уменьшения нагрузок и повышения уровня стабильности батарей.

Кроме более высокой производительности и уменьшения загрязнения эти батареи дешевле производить, поскольку материала для них в избытке.

Ранее сообщалось, что органическая солнечная батарея площадью 26 квадратных сантиметров достигла рекордной эффективности в 12,6%. Новый мировой рекорд превосходит предыдущий с эффективностью 9,7% на 30%.
05.01.2020 16:24
белый брат
05.01.2020 16:26
Сообщение удалено автором 21.05.2020 в 19:00.
05.01.2020 17:20
Спи́сок моногородо́в Росси́и — перечень моногородов Российской Федерации с указанием численности населения и градообразующих предприятий. По классификации Фонда развития моногородов, поселения разделены на кризисные, стабильные и находящиеся в зоне риска (красная, желтая и зеленая группы соответственно). К 2019-му в России насчитывалось 320 моногородов.
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