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26.04.2011, 11:50

Билл, ты не прав!

Интересная заочная полемика возникла между Биллом Гроссом, возглавляющим крупнейший в мире фонд облигаций PIMCO, и группой крупнейших банков – так называемыми первичными дилерами.

Эта полемика отразилась в статье Bill Gross Battles Dealers on Outlook as Treasuries Gain , которая вышла на Блумберге (явно неслучайно).

While Gross, who runs Pacific Investment Management Co.’s $236 billion Total Return Fund, is betting against government debt, the 20 firms that trade with the Federal Reserve predict yields on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note will hold below 4 percent for a third straight year for the balance of 2011.

Билл Гросс даже пошел немного на попятную:

“I could join the dealers and say the 10-year’s not going to go to 4 percent, so what am I left with?” Gross said in a telephone interview April 20. “I’m left with an under-yielding, less-than-inflation security. I have better choices. As a firm we’re not going to put up with it.”

Да, я тоже так думаю, - таков был смысл ответа Билла Гросса в телефонном интервью. Но у меня есть лучшие возможности.

Статья описывает нам, каким высоким спросом пользуются американские казначейские облигации.

“What’s telling is the significant volume of buying when 10-year yields were above 3.50 percent and 30-year bond yields were around 4.65 percent,” said William O’Donnell, head U.S. government bond strategist at RBS Securities Inc. in Stamford, Connecticut, a primary dealer. “There’s still significant demand for long-end Treasury paper at those levels and I don’t think Bill Gross is going to make that demand disappear.”

Demand at Treasury auctions has risen to record levels this year, with investors submitting $3 in orders for every $1 of debt offered, data compiled by Bloomberg show. At this month’s auctions of three-, 10- and 30-year bonds, the so-called bid-to- cover ratio exceeded the average of the previous 10 sales.

Билл Гросс еще в феврале полностью избавился от US Treasuries, и даже, как стало известно по последнему отчету, шортит их, вызывая эти неудовольствие праймбанков и американских монетарных властей.

Gross eliminated Treasuries from his fund in February and then, in March, bet that the debt will lose value, according to the firm’s holdings statement released April 11. The Total Return Fund has averaged an 8.65 percent gain the past five years, beating 99 percent of its peers, Bloomberg data show.

While Pimco’s $1.24 trillion in assets under management commands the attention of investors, foreign central banks and sovereign wealth funds exert a bigger day-to-day pull on Treasury yields, said John Fath, who manages $2.5 billion at BTG Pactual in New York.

“Gross’s point is well-taken and ultimately I think he will be right,” said Fath, former head of Treasury trading at primary dealer UBS AG. Even so, “if these guys are willing to hold these securities at these levels, it’s going to be hard to see rates go up,” he said in reference to overseas investors.

Foreign holdings of Treasuries jumped $36.4 billion to $4.47 trillion in the first two months of the year, according to the Treasury. U.S. financial markets should be stable over the long term, even after S&P’s warning, Xia Bin, an adviser to the Chinese central bank, said last week.

Прогнозы по 10-year US Treasuries от первичных дилеров на этот год (30 июня, 31 декабря)

*T Primary Dealer Forecasts for 10-Year Yields

Firm June 30 Dec. 31 Bank of America 3.6 4 Barclays 3.5 3.75 BNP Paribas 3.7 4.25 Cantor Fitzgerald 3.63 3.88 Citigroup 3.4 3.6 Credit Suisse 3.5 3.75 Daiwa 3.7 4.1 Deutsche Bank 3.25 4 Goldman Sachs 3.5 3.75 HSBC 3.7 3.4 Jefferies 3.9 5 JPMorgan Chase 3.6 3.7 MF Global 3.7 3.9 Mizuho 3.5 4 Morgan Stanley 3.6 4 Nomura 3.25 3.6 RBC 3.5 4 RBS 3.25 3.6 Societe Generale 3.85 3.5 UBS 3.6 3.8 Average 3.56 3.87

Так выглядит график 10-year US Treasuries. Цена пытается пробиться через 61,8% Фибо.

Думаю, что эта статья вышла неслучайно. Инвесторов хотят уверить, что не надо продавать US Treasuries.

Билл Гросс и праймбанки оказались в разных лагерях, что довольно странно. До этого Билл Гросс всегда был хорошо информирован о намерениях Феда и действия его фонда всегда оказывались верными и своевременными.

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